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  • data_management_guide

    Science Europe: extended version of Research Data Management Guide

      This Guide offers targeted guidance for organisations, scientific communities, as well as individual researchers, to organise research data and preserve it appropriately. Originally released in 2019, and following its successful uptake by many organisations, the extended edition features a...
  • EC worldwide seminars

    Safeguarding European R&I, a delicate balancing act

    Building guardrails to deal with foreign interference has become a key talking point following publication of the EU’s Global Approach to Research and Innovation. EURAXESS Worldwide explores the context, latest developments, and tools Europe is using to achieve the fine balance between scientific...
  • 2022_erfahrungsaustausch_4


      Am 22. November trafen sich Vertreter/innen österreichischer Hochschulen sowie Forschungs- und Fördereinrichtungen zum jährlichen EURAXESS-Netzwerktreffen – dieses Jahr auch wieder online. Zu Beginn gab Maria Unger (OeAD) einen Überblick über die aktuellen Entwicklungen in EURAXESS, den...
  • university_of_graz_recht

    REWI Fellowship Programme – Land Steiermark Fellowship

      The University of Graz' Faculty of Law offers a fellowship programme for outstanding international researchers. Fellows are given the opportunity to gain experience in an international scholarly environment and to benefit from the excellent know-how at the University of Graz while living in the...
  • Copyright vegfox stock

    Results of the EURAXESS Hubs project

    The EU-funded EURAXESS Hubs project, where the OeAD was also involved, builds on existing digital infrastructure to help young talent plan major moves with respect to career direction and residence. The project team designed and launched three pilot hubs that integrate digital platforms in order to...
  • MSCA

    Results of 2022 MSCA Co-fund call are out

    On 28 June, the European Commission announced the results of the 2022 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) call for Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND). COFUND provides funding for regional, national and international programmes for training and career development...
  • staffex-1000px_c_ec

    Results of 2022 MSCA call for Staff Exchanges are out

      On 2 June 2023, the Commission announced the results of the 2022 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) call for Staff Exchanges. The 73 selected projects will promote cooperation between academic and non-academic organisations in the EU and around the world to boost innovation and knowledge...
  • rebeca_header_3_c_euraxess

    REsearchers BEyond aCAdemia mentoring programme - call for MENTORS

      The CALL FOR MENTORS (highly skilled professionals in positions other than research in academia) has just been opened. Applications will be collected until November 25, 2021. These mentors will be paired with early stage researchers (probably located in another country) to discuss professional...