This document summarizes the main findings and recommendations of the working group of the Triangle Task Force responsible for Goal 2 and incorporates the Stakeholder’s inputs. The goal was to review the “European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers” (C&C) at the light of the objectives and priorities of the new European Research Area.
In a nutshell, the C&C principles remain relevant and appropriate to contribute to the construction of a single market for research and innovation and to fostering relationships between researchers, employers, and funders that is conductive to excellence in research and to the career development of researchers in Europe. However, some current priorities of the new ERA could be more integrated, as to make sure that the C&C evolves at the same pace as ERA; most important among them, gender equality in research and innovation, open science and innovation, the teaching dimension of research, recognition of the profession and research assessment.