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e-card with photo
The website offers you information about the e-card with photo in many languages. With the Instant Photo Check, you and your researchers can check online whether they need to bring a photo themselves. All registration offices and the documents to be brought along are also... -
Advancing evidence for policy across Europe’s parliaments and regions
Have a look at the new report analysis by the EU Science Hub - Joint Research Centre regarding a pilot project that reached out to Europe’s parliaments, regions and cities to gather scientists, policymakers and citizens and work together on today’s big issues. >> To the report -
A new European Research Area: Commission sets new plan to support green and digital transition and EU recovery
On 30 September, the European Commission adopted a Communication on a new European Research Area for Research and Innovation. Based on excellence, competitive, open and talent-driven, the new European Research Area will improve Europe’s research and innovation landscape, accelerate the EU’s... -
Nobel Prize in Chemistry goes to Emmanuelle Charpentier & Jennifer Doudna
Emmanuelle Charpentier from France is currently working at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin. She had previously conducted research in Vienna, where she was a group leader at the Max F. Perutz Laboratories of MedUni Vienna in 2002. In 2009 she moved to the University of Umeå in Sweden. Jenifer A... -
Information on Entry and Residence for Researchers in connection with COVID-19
Due to the particular circumstances with the COVID-19 pandemic the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection issued a regulation, which allows the entry to Austria under special conditions. Information regarding acutal entry conditions for Austria (especially if... -
Guided tour through the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna for researchers and their families
On October 1, 2020, researchers and their families joined the EURAXESS Meeting Point Vienna for a guided tour through the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna. The guided tour in English on the subject “Herbs and Medical Plants” took us to many interesting places in the garden. The... -
Neuer Podcast: Eine akustische Reise zu außergewöhnlichen Forschenden in Österreich
Wie verlaufen wissenschaftliche Spitzenkarrieren? Oft über Umwege. Im neuen Ö1-Podcast „Versuch und Irrtum“, einer Kooperation mit dem Wissenschaftsfonds FWF, heften sich die Journalistinnen Ruth Hutsteiner und Irmgard Wutscher an die Fersen aufstrebender Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler... -
Die EU-Organe suchen Verstärkung im Bereich Außenbeziehungen
Sie haben bereits (etwas) Erfahrung in internationalen Angelegenheiten gesammelt? Sie wollen aktiv die Zukunft Europas mitgestalten? Dann bewerben Sie sich für das aktuelle Auswahlverfahren der EU im Bereich Außenbeziehungen – EPSO/AD/382/20 – und profitieren von einem internationalen... -
Survey on the impact of Covid-19 on researchers’ work and mobility
Researcher mobility in a changing world Invitation to participate in a survey on the impact of Covid-19 on researchers’ work and mobility Covid-19 changes researchers’ work, interaction and mobility dramatically! Beyond its huge impact on health, welfare of both societies and economies, Covid... -
'Meet my Lab': Vaccine Research
EURAXESS ASEAN presents ‘Meet my Lab’ - a virtual meeting point for researchers in ASEAN and across the world to learn from, to connect & to collaborate with each other. This session will focus on vaccine research with speakers from Duke-NUS in Singapore and Institut Pasteur in France. This...