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NEWS24 Nov 2020News

HRS4R Webinar recordings – From Gap Analysis To Action Plan



If you are interested in the process to obtain the HR Excellence in Research Award, we highly recommend to watch the recordings of these three webinars:

"GGAP Analysis and Action Plan: How to perform the self-assessment, detect gaps, and address them with tailored actions?", held end of September 2020 by Isabelle Halleux, R&D Executive Director at the University of Liège,

"How to involve researchers and stakeholders", with Mary Kate O’Reagan, HR Research Manager at University Collegue Cork,

"The Interim Assessment: How to prepare the internal review and update the action plan", by Milan Zdravković, PhD at the University of Niš.


The HRS4R e-learning module is a video-tutorial with step-by-step technical instructions for organisations on the application process to the HR Award, as well as the steps to pursue for the implementation and award renewal phases. It also includes background information about the Charter & Code, the endorsement procedure, the benefits of obtaining the HR logo, the timeframe for submissions, and much more.

The HRS4R e-learning module complements the Technical Guidelines with visual content and explanation.