The first ERC Calls for “Starters“ and “Consolidators“ under Horizon Europe, the new EU Framework Programme, are approaching – with deadlines scheduled for 9 March 2021 (Starting Grant) and 20 April 2021 (Consolidator Grant), respectively.
The FFG Academy is pleased to invite all researchers intending to submit an ERC application with an Austrian host institution to a string of interactive online sessions, with the aim to support the preparation of an outstanding proposal.
It will offer three sessions according to the 3 ERC scientific domains, each lasting from 3 pm to approximately 5:30 pm (click on the date to register):
• Life Sciences: 24 November 2020
• Social Sciences and Humanities: 1 December 2020
• Physical Sciences and Engineering: 3 December 2020
In advance of these sessions, registered participants will receive access to a recorded introductory presentation capturing the main features of the ERC, specifics of the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant, novelties in Horizon Europe and how the ERC selects proposals.
The three interactive sessions will provide a forum for more in-depth discussion also of questions and challenges that may be more specific to certain fields of research. The FFG Academy is grateful that ERC panel members and grantees have kindly agreed to share their experiences and recommendations and answer questions by participants during these sessions. You are welcome to join one, several or all of the sessions.
The FFG Acaedmy will also provide weblinks to successful ERC applications and other materials that have been published online by ERC Grantees, in order to discuss inspirational aspects and questions that can be derived from these applications or examples during the online sessions.
Please find more information on the sessions and the link for registration on the FFG event website.