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  • Women in Technology

    Innovation Talent Platform

    Innovation Talent Platform is a EU-wide matching tool to help European businesses, including start-ups, to find the talents they need beyond EU. This is also an opportunity for entrepreneurs and innovators across the globe to find their way to the European market with their ideas in disruptive...
  • Umfrage Euraxess

    Help us shape the future of EURAXESS

    The European Commission is planing a significant revamp of the EURAXESS platform to enhance and improve its functionalities and make it even more efficient for the research community. Therfore a series of focus groups will be organised to gather EURAXESS users’ insights: how you use the platform...
  • Vienna University logo

    sowi:docs Fellowship Programme 2023

    sowi:docs is the doctoral fellowship programme of the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences (ViDSS). sowi:docs fellowships give outstanding doctoral candidates in the social sciences the opportunity to devote full-time effort to their research and to writing their doctoral thesis in the vibrant...
  • Publication ERA Ecosystem

    Publication: Knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA

    This policy brief, as part of the wider study “Knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA”, presents the European Competence Framework for Researchers ‘ResearchComp’, developed in line with the new ERA communication and the Skills Agenda, and based on the new taxonomy of researchers’ skills that the...
  • Peers 4 careers

    Peers 4 Careers accountability program for Pre- and PostDocs

    This unique format is offered for the first time by the LBG Career Center to Pre- and Post-Docs of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, Austrian universities, and other Austrian research institutions. If you’re looking for a peer network to support you in reaching your personal or professional goals...
  • Grafik New ERA

    Austrian national ERA Action Plan 2022-2025

    On 21 December 2022, the Austrian Federal Government adopted the Austrian national ERA Action Plan 2022-2025. The ERA-NAP contains 12 Initiatives with concrete measures to implement the Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe and the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024. Its first and foremost objective...
  • euresearch4ukraine_banner_1440x342_c_euraxess

    European Commission launches new website on support for Ukraine

    The European Commission has launched a new website which provides an overview of measures in R&I to support Ukraine. Dedicated initiatives are as follows: MSCA4Ukraine (€25 million) offers fellowships to displaced researchers of Ukraine in EU and Associated Countries. EIC4Ukraine (€20 million)...
  • calls_c_oead

    Call opening S&T cooperation

    The following call for the programme Scientific & Technological Cooperation (Wissenschaftlich-Technische-Zusammenarbeit) is open: Austria - France Submission Deadline: 24 March 2023  -  Call Guidelines Next planned call: Austria - Czech Republic: 15 March to 28 April 2023 The aim of these calls is...
  • Dame im Labor

    ERC vergibt 15 Consolidator Grants an Forschende in Österreich

    Der Europäische Forschungsrat (ERC) hat die Consolidator-Grant-Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger der Ausschreibung 2022 bekannt gegeben. Unter den insgesamt 321 Geförderten sind auch 15 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler von österreichischen Forschungseinrichtungen. Bundesminister Martin...