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NEWS21 Feb 2023News

Peers 4 Careers accountability program for Pre- and PostDocs

Peers 4 careers

This unique format is offered for the first time by the LBG Career Center to Pre- and Post-Docs of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, Austrian

universities, and other Austrian research institutions.

If you’re looking for a peer network to support you in reaching your personal or professional goals don´t miss your chance and apply now for the LBG Peers4Careers Program starting in May 2023!

When? May - October 2023

Where? Online & Vienna/Lower Austria (Kick-off at Krainerhütte, Baden)

Target group: Pre- & post-doc researchers from all fields

Language: English

Application criteria:

Contact information (Name | Telephone No. | Organization | Job Title), 2-minute video, signed data protection document via E-Mail to

Application Deadline: February 28, 2023

More information