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Showing results 190 to 200
    • STATUS: past

    Celebrating EU-ASEAN People-to-People Cooperation on Higher Education

    This year marks 45 years of dialogue relations between the EU and ASEAN. The EU-ASEAN Strategic Partnership is dedicated to advancing mutual understanding, peace, prosperity, sustainable development, rules-based multilateralism, and free and fair trade. Cooperation on higher education and research...
      • - (Europe/Brussels)
      • Zurich, Belgium
    • STATUS: past

    Careers in the Life Sciences

    On 23 November a matchmaking event for the region Vienna - Bratislava will be organised for PhD students to meet with companies in the field of life sciences. The event is part of the Austrian-Slovak project CarLiS - Careers in Life Sciences, a cooperation between the University of Vienna, the...
      • - (Europe/Bratislava)
      • ROMA, Slovakia
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Careers in academia: well-being and mental health of young researchers

    Join the PRIDE (Network for Professionals in Doctoral Education) Webinar on 3 February 2021 at 10 am (CEU). The webinar explores the topic “Careers in academia: well-being and mental health of young researchers”. Desiree Dickerson, clinical psychologist who specialises in the mental health and...
      • - (America/New_York)
      • Webinar, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    Career Guidance for Inclusive Society

    The international conference “Career Guidance for Inclusive Society” that will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia on September 11-13. The Conference is an annual event of The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) - a global actor in the field of lifelong guidance...
      • - (UTC)
      • Bratislava, Slovakia
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    CARe Online Talk Austria - Labour market integration of researchers at risk/with refugee background

    The CARe Online Talk Austria focused on career perspectives for researchers at risk/with refugee background in Austria. The speakers introduced available national and institutional support structures and programmes, as well as shared experiences on migrating the research and resilience. Moreover, it...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
      • Vienna, Austria
    • Meeting
    • STATUS: past

    Bring your family to the Technisches Museum Wien – Vienna Technical Museum!

    Join us on Friday, October 18, 2019, for a family event with a guided tour and a riddle rally: EURAXESS Meeting Point Vienna invites international researchers and their families to the Technisches Museum Wien. The programme will be in English.  Please register yourself, your partner and children in...
      • - (UTC)
      • Mariahilfer Strasse 212, 1140 Vienna, Austria
    • Meeting
    • STATUS: past

    BRiDGE II Networking Meeting for Mentors of Refugee Researchers

    The OeAD in cooperation with Bielefeld University is hosting an Online Networking Meeting for Mentors of Refugee Researchers on „Successes and Challenges in Mentoring Refugee Researchers“, on Monday, February 22, 2021, from 1:00-2:30 p.m. (CET). The networking meeting will be joined by our four...
      • - (America/New_York)
      • Online, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    BRiDGE II - Webinars for mentors and for EURAXESS staff

    Save the date for the following two webinars:   Webinar "How can EURAXESS support refugee researchers' mentors during pandemics" for mentors of refugee researchers 3 Mar 2021, 14:00 CET The webinar will provide information and networking opportunities for those academic and industrial...
      • - (Europe/Sofia)
      • Eindhoven, Bulgaria
    • STATUS: past

    BE OPEN - Science & Society Festival

    On 8 September 2018 the “BE OPEN – Science & Society Festival” will start at Maria-Theresien-Platz in Vienna. Look forward to discovering top Austrian research, participating and having a say. The festival for everyone who is naturally curious. On its 50th anniversary, the Austrian Science Fund...
      • - (UTC)
      • Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    Austrian Research & Innovation Talk 2022

    Join the Austrian scientific and research communities in North America as the Office of Science and Technology Austria (OSTA) explores the latest innovations highlighting transatlantic excellence in research.   About ARIT The Austrian Research and Innovation Talk (ARIT) is the Austrian government...
      • - (America/Chicago)
      • Chicago, IL, United States