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EUA Annual Conference “Universities 2030: From vision to reality”



The conference 2021 EUA Annual Conference “Universities 2030: From vision to reality” will take place online on 22-23 April. As the world continues to grapple with the impact of Covid-19, the European University Association would like to offer you an opportunity to unite with your peers to discuss the challenges before us and, importantly, how we can shape the future.

Against the backdrop of the ongoing climate crisis, fundamental technological advances, labour market changes and the pressure Europe’s political systems are currently experiencing, to name only a few examples, an honest and ambitious debate is needed about the path universities should take to remain resilient and relevant. To contribute to this debate, EUA has developed a vision of open, engaged and autonomous European universities, outlined in the publication "Universities without walls – A vision for 2030".

The 2021 EUA Annual Conference will provide a forum for discussions on some of the key actions needed to realise this vision. It will feature sessions in various formats, including interactive audience participation, and encourage a rich exchange of experiences and good practices. You will be able to network with your peers, watch exclusive recorded and live content, engage with high-level speakers and access virtual booths presenting diverse EUA projects and activities.

Here you will find the programme and further information on the conference.


Date & Duration
Online, Belgium


EUA European University Association