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Showing results 130 to 140
    • Exhibition
    • STATUS: past

    European Researchers Night

    Am 30. September 2022 findet in Wien, Salzburg und Innsbruck die nächste European Researchers’ Night statt – ein Mitmach-Event, der Jung und Alt spannende Einblicke in die Wissenschaft eröffnet. An den Standorten Wien, Salzburg und Innsbruck steht in diesem Jahr alles unter dem Motto „exploREsearch“...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
      • Wien, Salzburg und Innsbruck, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    European Research and Innovation Days 2021

      The European Commission is organising European Research and Innovation Days (European R&I Days) again this year, which will take place as a virtual event from 23-24 June. >> To the programme More information on the European Commission's R&I Days website.
      • - (Europe/Brussels)
      • Online, Belgium
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    European Research and Innovation Days

    At the European Commission's annual Flagship Event, political decision-makers, researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens discuss the future of research and innovation policy and its funding with the aim of driving Europe's recovery and paving the way to a green, digital and resilient future. In light...
      • - (Europe/Brussels)
      • Online, Belgium
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    European Research and Innovation Day 2020 - Malaysia

    ERD 2020 - Virtual Edition: Over 4000 researchers tune in to interactive webinars on European research opportunities   The European Research Day (ERD), the annual flagship event of EURAXESS ASEAN, kicked off on Monday, 21 September and run until Friday, 25 September 2020. A total of 12 webinars...
      • - (Asia/Kuala_Lumpur)
      • Online, Malaysia
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    European Research and Innovation Day 2020 - Indonesia

    EURAXESS ASEAN presented the European Research Day Indonesia in October 2020 - the annual flagship event and our commitment to the research community across ASEAN to provide information and support for scientific exchange and collaboration with their peers in Europe. ERD2020 "Research Opportunities...
      • - (UTC)
      • Online, Indonesia
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    European Research & Innovation Days 2022

    European Research and Innovation Days is the European Commission’s annual flagship Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. The event will take place...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
      • Online, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    EURAXESS Workshop for researchers on stress management and emotional wellbeing

    EURAXESS Spain is organising a training dedicated to the wellbeing of researchers: "Taking the reins of your emotional wellbeing". The target audience are researchers. This is part of a series of workshops and webinars aiming to help researcher navigate the challenging environment and situations of...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    EURAXESS webinar on the Students and Researchers Directive with the European Commission

    EURAXESS network expert group on entry conditions invites to the webinar EU migration policy aimed at internationally mobile researchers with: * Helene Calers, European Commission, Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs * Case studies from the EURAXESS network * Q & A session   For whom...
      • - (Europe/Bratislava)
      • Online, Slovakia
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    EURAXESS webinar on Intersectoral Mobility & Mentoring Schemes

    Objectives: Increase awareness of the researchers’ community at European and global level about the mentoring programmes that EURAXESS centers can offer for researchers with an interest in industry; Facilitate talent transfer from the academic to the private sector; Support early stage...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)