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  • c_chenspec_pixabay

    Overview on “Gender Equality Plans”

      EURAXESS Austria participates in the EURAXESS Hubs project in the task "Gender - overview, learning and sharing". The goal of EURAXESS Hubs is to integrate platforms for thematic cross-border collaboration of EURAXESS service centres (ESCs) and other stakeholders, such as multiplier and enabler...
  • gruppenfoto

    Österreichweites Dual-Career-Netzwerktreffen in Graz

      Am 26./27. September 2019 fand an der Universität Graz das 4. Netzwerktreffen statt. Jährlich einmal treffen sich Vertreter/innen von Hochschulen, Forschungseinrichtungen, regionalen Netzwerken und Institutionen, die mit der Thematik „Dual Career“ befasst sind, zu einem österreichweiten Treffen...
  • rewire

    Open Call: REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) COFUND Programme

    The overall goal of the REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) COFUND Programme, a Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions COFUND project funded by the European Commission, is to establish a support scheme for excellent postdoctoral female researchers to foster their scientific development, to nurture their...
  • AWS First International Incubator

    Open Call: aws First International Incubator

    Der aws First International Incubator bietet internationalen Gründer/innen und Gründungsteams Unterstützung bei der Gründung ihres Start-ups in Österreich: Finanzielle Unterstützung in Form von Zuschüssen zu Personal-, Projekt-, Reise- und Mietkosten Projektindividuelles Mentoring und Coaching...
  • corona_web_r_by_alexander_hauk_alexander-hauk

    ÖH Corona Emergency Fund

      The ÖH Corona Emergency Fund was created by the Austrian Students Union (ÖH) with support by the Ministry of Education, Science and Reserach to help those affected by the current crisis. If you are in financial hardship as a result of the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, you have the...
  • oecd_review_austria_2018

    OECD Review of the Austrian Research and Innovation System

    A team of OECD experts, led by Gernot Hutschenreiter presented its Final Report on the OECD Review of the Austrian Research and Innovation System on 13 and 14 December 2018.   The Report aims at supporting Austria in designing its next RTI Strategy 2020+ so as to further increase the quality and...
  • Internationale Studierende

    OeAD Scholarship Programmes and further grants for Austria 2023/2024

    The OeAD offers grants and scholarships to students and researchers from all over the world. The programmes range from grants aimed at broad target groups to more specific ones aimed at applicants from certain fields of study or regions. Below, please find an overview of open calls for incoming...
  • Grants for Austria

    OeAD Incoming Scholarship Programmes and further grants for 2024/2025

    The OeAD offers grants and scholarships to students and researchers from all over the world, carried out by the unit MPC –Mobility Programmes and Cooperation. The programmes range from grants aimed at broad target groups to more specific ones aimed at applicants from certain fields of study or...