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  • bridge-logo

    Launch of BRiDGE Survey – Perspectives of Researchers in Danger in Europe

      The following survey is addressed to refugee researchers: The “BRiDGE Survey – Perspectives of Researchers in Danger in Europe” aims to reach the answers of researchers in danger, such as academics with an asylum status or other risk living in Europe, especially in European Union Member States...
  • bridge2-logo

    BRiDGE Step II Internship Programme for Researchers in Danger

      BRiDGE Step II aims to support researchers in danger to develop a career path that matches their goals and experience. For those who consider a career in the non-academic sector or an entrepreneurial career, an internship position could be a first step into the professional field that they aspire...
  • ffg_logo_en_2018_rgb_300

    Fit4Funding Course

    The FFG starts the new e-learning course "Fit4Funding - Your training on EU funding by FFG Academy".   It adresses junior scientists from universities, research organisations and companies who would like to kick-off their own European funding journey. A mix of online self-learning modules, live...
  • dsc01384

    EURAXESS Austria: Erfahrungsaustausch 2020

      Am 4. März trafen sich Vertreter/innen österreichischer Hochschulen sowie Forschungs- und Förderungseinrichtungen zum EURAXESS-Erfahrungsaustausch. Schwerpunkte der diesjährigen Veranstaltung waren Ansätze zur Förderung von Karrieremöglichkeiten von Wissenschaftler/innen sowie Maßnahmen zur...
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    Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria

      The Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria joins forces to strengthen sustainability in teaching, research and university management and thus to make our contribution to a sustainable society. It was founded in 2012. Currently 15 Austrian universities are members of the network. >...
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    Information on the Coronavirus in English

      Here you will find information on the coronavirus in Austria: Austrian Integration Fonds (ÖIF) - Information in 16 languages radioFM4 - A brief guide to what you need to know about the virus in Austria, in English. Information and recommendations of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science...
  • campus_france_178

    Stipendien für kurze wissenschaftliche Aufenthalte in Frankreich

      Verlängerung der Bewerbungsfrist! Das Institut français d'Autriche und das französische Außenministerium bieten für das Jahr 2020 Stipendien für kurze wissenschaftliche Aufenthalte von 1 bis 3 Monaten an. Diese sind für Doktorand/innen, PostDocs und talentierte Nachwuchsforscher/innen gedacht...