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  • ogmbt

    Life Science Awards 2019

      Early-stage researchers are invited to apply for this year’s Life Science Awards Austria. Two categories are available: The Research Awards where outstanding research papers are honoured, or the PhD Awards, where excellent dissertations are recognized. In addition to attractive financial prizes...
  • euroscience

    European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA)

      The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA) aims to inspire early stage researchers in all research areas to incorporate a European dimension and perspective into their research. Two awards are granted every two years to: a) a PhD candidate and b) a postdoctoral fellow. The research must have...
  • epso_europeanpersonnelselectionoffice

    Die EU-Institutionen suchen Verstärkung – Ihre Karrierechance!

      Dann bewerben Sie sich für das aktuelle Auswahlverfahren der EU für Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten für die Bereiche Recht und Finanzen – EPSO/AD/374/19 und profitieren von vielfältigen Karriere- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Die Stellen werden insbesondere bei der Europäischen Kommission...
  • twas

    Science in Exile – Researchers turned refugees

      On June 27, 2019, EURAXESS Meeting Point Vienna hosted a screening of the documentary Science in Exile, followed by a discussion panel about the challenges faced by forcibly displaced academics. Maiada Hadaia (OeAD) talked to Awab Younus, a PhD in Biology from Iraq with over 20 years of work...
  • valie_export_center_linz

    Junior Fellowships for VALIE EXPORT Center Linz

      The VALIE EXPORT Center at the University of Art and Design Linz processes, researches, contextualizes, and mediates VALIE EXPORT’s premortem bequest. As an internationally oriented research center, it promotes an artistic and scientific confrontation with media art and performance art. The VALIE...
  • 628270_web_r_b_by_rosel_eckstein_pixelio

    DUO-India Fellowship Programme

      The DUO-India Fellowship Programme provides fellowships for 100 Indian students and 50 professors who wish to go to European countries and European students and professors who wish to come to India for further study, funded by the Indian government. Deadline: 31 August 2019 Here you will find...
  • Koffer

    Guidelines on Safety in Mobility

      Over recent years, the international scene has been subject to many changes and new risk factors have arisen. Higher education institutions have developed a new awareness of these risks and threats and have tried to put measures in place to mitigate them. The Universities of the Coimbra Group are...