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  • euraxess_default

    EURAXIND survey - Academic/Business Collaboration

    EURAXESS is currently surveying current activity in academic/business collaboration alongside gaining knowledge of institutional need in this area. The present questionnaire is part of the survey. It specifically targets EURAXESS member institutions all through Europe and asks about their activities...
  • more3

    MORE III Gobal Survey for researchers currently working outside Europe

    This survey, launched on behalf of the European Commission, aims to find out more about the mobility patterns and career paths of researchers (including doctoral candidates) currently working outside Europe.   We would like to ask about your views, needs and experience of mobility. Do you...
  • incipit

    INCIPIT PhD programme in Life Sciences - Call for 20 positions is open!

    INCIPIT is a novel international PhD programme, which aims at providing innovative multidisciplinary and intersectoral training in Life and Biomaterial Sciences. It is co-funded by the COFUND scheme (Marie Skłodowska - Curie Actions). This programme pools the different and complementary expertise...
  • isa-sicence

    Call for Application for Transdiciplinary PhD-Day at ISA-Science 2017

    The University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna invites PhD-candidates from the humanities, social sciences and cultural studies to participate in a transdisciplinary one-day Session specially designed for international researchers currently working on their PhD-theses. The event is part of the I...
  • transcan-2

    ERA-NET on Translational Cancer Research

    The ERA-NET on Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN-2) has been established with the ultimate goal of coordinating the research efforts and funding programmes of European countries in translational cancer research. Deadline for pre-proposals: 13.02.2017 Further information:
  • mfpl_logoname_rgb_10cm

    Max F. Perutz International (MFPL) PhD Program in Molecular Life Sciences

    The Vienna Doctoral School “Molecules of Life” advances PhD education by providing a forum for excellent PhD students and their supervisors to freely exchange and critically challenge ideas. The curriculum has a minimum duration of three years, and students obtain a PhD Degree conferred by the...
  • iiasa

    Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) in Austria

    Every summer from 1 June to 31 August, IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) hosts up to 50 doctoral students from around the world in its Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP). Each participant works on a topic related to his or her PhD thesis and IIASA’s research agenda...
  • Koffer

    Planung eines Aufenthaltes in USA oder Kanada

    Veranstaltungen zur Vorbereitung & Planung eines Auslandsaufenthalts Dienstag, 15. November 2016, 19.00 Uhr Studienaufenthalt oder Forschungsvorhaben im Ausland? - Die Erwartungen internationaler Admissions Offices Ein Praxisworkshop zum Verfassen eines Motivationsschreibens oder Research Proposals...
  • chinadrache_web_r_k_b_by_cornerstone_pixelio

    Joint Call on Graphen between FFG and Shanghai University

    The objective of this call for Austrian-Chinese Cooperative R&D Projects is to support the jointly identified research topics graphen, functional nanomaterials, 3D-printing and processing with mutual interests and scientific excellence based on the existing cooperation agreement between the Austrian...