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  • money-4105043_1920

    Auslandsstipendium des Vereins Wirtschaft für Bildung

      Das Stipendium dient der Finanzierung von Aufenthalten zu Zwecken von Studien, Forschungsarbeiten oder wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeiten an einer Universität oder an einem Forschungszentrum im fremdsprachigen Ausland.   Voraussetzungen Gefördert werden österreichische Staatsbürger/innen, die...
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    Applying for an ERC grant: perspectives from grantees and evaluators

      The nine one-hour webinars, organised by the European Research Council in collaboration with EURAXESS Worldwide, took place from 16 November to 16 December and targeted researchers from different regions and countries around the world. ERC grantees and evaluators gave advice on how to apply to an...
  • Lightbulb

    Application for the European Prize for Women Innovators is open

    The European Prize for Women Innovators celebrates the women entrepreneurs behind Europe's most ground-breaking innovations. The prize awards women from across the EU and countries associated to Horizon Europe, whose disruptive innovations are driving positive change for people and planet. There...
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    APPEAR III: First call opened

      The APPEAR III programme, with a budget of around EUR 19 million, will last for seven years (2020-2027). Four calls for applications are planned within this period. The first call for applications, includes all earlier instruments of APPEAR, Preparatory Funding, Academic Partnership, Advanced...
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    An Analysis of Dual Career and Integration Services

    The goal of this report is to analyse and map the landscape of Dual Career and Integration Services (DCIS) in the participating six countries (Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland) as well as exchange knowledge of best practice examples in order to develop and improve the...
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    An afternoon at the Weltmuseum Wien

    About 40 incoming OeAD scholars and young researchers joined events4scholars and EURAXESS Meeting Point VIENNA for a tour of the ethnographic museum housed inside the Hofburg. events4scholars, in cooperation with EURAXESS Meeting Point VIENNA, hosted a guided tour of the Weltmuseum Wien on March 16...
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    Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria

      The Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria joins forces to strengthen sustainability in teaching, research and university management and thus to make our contribution to a sustainable society. It was founded in 2012. Currently 15 Austrian universities are members of the network. >...
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    Aktuelle Ausschreibungen

    Österreichischer Staatspreis Wald 2024 Innovative Betriebe und Projekte Seit 1994 zeichnet der renommierte Preis beispielhafte Waldbewirtschaftung in Österreich aus. In sechs Kategorien werden innovative Betriebe und Projekte ausgezeichnet, die sich um die Zukunft der heimischen Wälder kümmern. Die...