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Dr.-Wolfgang-Houska-Preis für Universitäre Forschung und Forschung & Entwicklung in KMU
Es werden die besten Projekte mit wirtschaftlicher Relevanz in den Kategorien "Hochschulforschung" und "Forschung und Entwicklung in KMU" ausgezeichnet. Mit einer Dotierung von insgesamt 500.000 Euro ist der Houska-Preis Österreichs größter privater Forschungspreis. Einreichfrist: 30. November... -
Survey on the integration of international researchers in Austria
Dear international researchers and respective partners and family members, EURAXESS is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other. However, the network offers a lot more in terms of connecting people, and its services are in constant... -
Österreichweites Dual-Career-Netzwerktreffen in Graz
Am 26./27. September 2019 fand an der Universität Graz das 4. Netzwerktreffen statt. Jährlich einmal treffen sich Vertreter/innen von Hochschulen, Forschungseinrichtungen, regionalen Netzwerken und Institutionen, die mit der Thematik „Dual Career“ befasst sind, zu einem österreichweiten Treffen... -
Researcher's Guide to Austria - Update 2019
This guide not only provides information about Austria's research & development landscape, but also guides you to entry and residence regulations, taxation, social security and family issues in Austria.It provides information for international PhD students, scientists and researchers and their... -
EURODOC survey on the structure of the doctorates across europe
The EURODOC survey was prepared by the Doctoral Training Working Group (DTWG) to analyze the diverse landscape of doctorates across Europe. In this survey, doctorate is understood as the institutional frameworks and processes geared towards the completion of a doctoral degree, and doctoral... -
Open Call: REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) COFUND Programme
The overall goal of the REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) COFUND Programme, a Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions COFUND project funded by the European Commission, is to establish a support scheme for excellent postdoctoral female researchers to foster their scientific development, to nurture their... -
PhD programme QUSTEC on quantum science and technologies
EU-funded PhD programme QUSTEC on quantum science and technologies: apply before August 19 to get a fully funded PhD position in France, Germany or Switzerland! QUSTEC is a doctoral training programme set up by the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Eucor – The European Campus... -
Guidelines on Safety in Mobility
Over recent years, the international scene has been subject to many changes and new risk factors have arisen. Higher education institutions have developed a new awareness of these risks and threats and have tried to put measures in place to mitigate them. The Universities of the Coimbra Group are... -
DUO-India Fellowship Programme
The DUO-India Fellowship Programme provides fellowships for 100 Indian students and 50 professors who wish to go to European countries and European students and professors who wish to come to India for further study, funded by the Indian government. Deadline: 31 August 2019 Here you will find... -
Junior Fellowships for VALIE EXPORT Center Linz
The VALIE EXPORT Center at the University of Art and Design Linz processes, researches, contextualizes, and mediates VALIE EXPORT’s premortem bequest. As an internationally oriented research center, it promotes an artistic and scientific confrontation with media art and performance art. The VALIE...