Are you an Austrian researcher abroad, interested in returning to Austria? On the following pages you can find information for researchers who are returning to Austria after spending a longer period doing research abroad.
In the section Research in Austria you can find all information about the Austrian research landscape as well as information on R&D organisations, funding bodies etc. Detailed information can also be found in the Researchers Guide to Austria (PDF).
Search for vacancies and fellowship at Austrian research institutions
Companies, universities, and research organisations can post vacancies and search actively for
research personnel and the CVs of international researchers. Almost all Austrian universities are taking
advantage of this possibility.230Job offers currently for Austria
Mission and Objectives
Today, there are many more highly educated and career-oriented couples in the science and university system and it is for this reason that most Austrian research institutions have established a university Dual Career Service. They provide assistance in finding jobs for partners of foreign researchers and assistance during transition. Please note that dual career service offers differ from university to university.
Information and personalised assistance for all researchers and their families
EURAXESS Centres provide information and assistance in matters such as entry conditions, visas, work permits, recognition of diplomas, job opportunities, salaries, taxation, pension rights, healthcare, social security, accommodation, childcare, schooling and language courses. There are currently 32 Austrian EURAXESS centres at Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences as well as research organisations, regional information offices and networks which provide support for regional and practical requests.
32EURAXESS Austria Centres
More information about
Funding opportunities
Discover more about funding opportunities and job options for researchers.
Career Development
Find out more on career support (career development centres, dual career support, useful information, etc.) on this page.
A number of alumni organisations and networks for researchers can help you stay in touch with or revive contact to Austrian colleagues before, during and after a research stay abroad.
General information
In the section information & assistance you can find information on the following topics which are also relevant to returning researchers:
Further support organisations
The Austrian Business Agency (ABA) offers assistance and support to Austrians, who wish to relocate to Austria. On the website you can find also valuable information about living, working, education, healthcare and culture in Austria.