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  • logo_e_c_ec

    Die EU-Organe suchen Verstärkung im Bereich Außenbeziehungen

      Sie haben bereits (etwas) Erfahrung in internationalen Angelegenheiten gesammelt? Sie wollen aktiv die Zukunft Europas mitgestalten?   Dann bewerben Sie sich für das aktuelle Auswahlverfahren der EU im Bereich Außenbeziehungen – EPSO/AD/382/20 – und profitieren von einem internationalen...
  • euraxess_covid_media_survey2020

    Survey on the impact of Covid-19 on researchers’ work and mobility

    Researcher mobility in a changing world Invitation to participate in a survey on the impact of Covid-19 on researchers’ work and mobility   Covid-19 changes researchers’ work, interaction and mobility dramatically! Beyond its huge impact on health, welfare of both societies and economies, Covid...
  • meet_my_lab_vaccines_tw_flyer_sep_2020

    'Meet my Lab': Vaccine Research

      EURAXESS ASEAN presents ‘Meet my Lab’ - a virtual meeting point for researchers in ASEAN and across the world to learn from, to connect & to collaborate with each other. This session will focus on vaccine research with speakers from Duke-NUS in Singapore and Institut Pasteur in France. This...
  • 2020_state_of_the_union

    State of the Union 2020

      Every year in September, the President of the European Commission delivers the State of the Union address before the European Parliament, taking stock of achievements of the past year and presenting priorities for the year ahead.                 The President also sets out how the Commission...
  • corona_ampel_en_federal_ministry_of_austria_social_affairs_health_care_and_consumer_protection

    Corona traffic light

      Regional corona clusters and hotspots need strong local responses. The Corona traffic light makes it possible, depending on the epidemic situation, to take measures for all areas of society and the economy. The Corona traffic light is a tool for a uniform, coordinated and transparent approach by...
  • eis2020_leader_map

    European Innovation Scoreboard 2020

    The European innovation scoreboard provides a comparative analysis of innovation performance in EU countries, other European countries, and regional neighbours. It assesses relative strengths and weaknesses of national innovation systems and helps countries identify areas they need to address. The...
  • re-open_eu

    Re-open EU

      The European Union, and all of its member states, are planning for a safe re-opening of Europe. While protecting the public health remains our priority, we want everyone to enjoy their holidays, to reunite with family and friends, and to be able to travel for any purpose. This interactive tool...
  • phoenix-logo_transparent

    Phönix 2020 – Österreichischer Gründerpreis

      Teilnahmeberechtigt sind österreichische Start-ups und Spin-offs (Gründung nach dem 1. Jänner 2014, Firmensitz Österreich) sowie österreichische Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen für die Kategorie Prototyp.    Der Gründerpreis Phönix wird in den folgenden vier Kategorien verliehen: Sta...