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Showing results 170 to 180
  • Feedback Euraxess

    Help us improve EURAXESS

    What would you like to see in EURAXESS? We want to provide you with a platform that meets your needs and helps you reach your goals as a member of the research community. Take part in our quick survey and let us know!
  • Umfrage Euraxess

    Help us shape the future of EURAXESS

    The European Commission is planing a significant revamp of the EURAXESS platform to enhance and improve its functionalities and make it even more efficient for the research community. Therfore a series of focus groups will be organised to gather EURAXESS users’ insights: how you use the platform...
  • heras

    HERAS+ scholarship for academic staff of Kosovan universities

    The HERAS+ scholarship programme offers (prospective) PhD students and Post-Docs a grant for their studies and/or research in Austria. Target groups are academic staff members of Kosovan public and private higher education institutions, which plan to carry out a PhD or Post-Doc research in Austria...
  • horizon_europe_info_days_2021

    Horizon Europe Info Days

      The 10-day event from June 28 till July 9 will give the opportunity to prospective applicants, and other stakeholders of EU research and innovation, to get information and ask questions about what’s new, main funding instruments and processes of Horizon Europe. Further information
  • ffg_logo_en_2018_rgb_300

    Horizon Europe startet

      2021 startet Horizon Europe mit über 95 Mrd. Euro Budget zur Förderung von innovativen Forschungs- und Innovationsvorhaben für Europa. Die FFG informiert Sie im Rahmen der Informationskampagne „Join our Community: Horizon Europe startet!“ ab 12. Jänner und 22. März 2021 gebündelte Information zu...
  • horizon-europe

    Horizon Europe: first calls for proposals

      Following the publication of the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021-2022, the first calls for proposals for Horizon Europe have been launched. The programme for 2021-2017 has a budget of EUR 95.5 billion. Horizon Europe consists of three pillars and one horizontal activity: Pillar 1: Excellence...
  • logo_euraxess

    How to post a job offer on the EURAXESS portal?

      Join over 16,000 universities, research organisations and other employers from around the globe on the EURAXESS portal where you can reach the world's best research talent. As an employer, the EURAXESS portal allows you to publish your vacancies completely free of charge. With over 50,000...
  • hr_logo_270

    HRS4R Webinar recordings – From Gap Analysis To Action Plan

      If you are interested in the process to obtain the HR Excellence in Research Award, we highly recommend to watch the recordings of these three webinars: "GGAP Analysis and Action Plan: How to perform the self-assessment, detect gaps, and address them with tailored actions?", held end of...
  • ifk

    IFK_Junior Fellowships

    Die IFK_Junior Fellowships richten sich an Dissertantinnen und Dissertanten mit österreichischer Staatsbürgerschaft bzw. nicht-österreichische Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, die an österreichischen Universitäten betreut werden. Beim Dissertationsvorhaben muss es sich um ein interdisziplinäres...
  • ifk

    IFK_Junior Fellowships

      Die IFK_Junior Fellowships richten sich an österreichische Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler, die an ihrer Dissertation mit kulturwissenschaftlichem Schwerpunkt arbeiten, sowie an nicht-österreichische Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, die an einer österreichischen...