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  • lbgcclogo_positiv_rgb

    Winter School Revise & Revitalize

      From 8 – 12 February 2021, the LBG Career Center is offering an inaugural 5-day Winter School for pre- and post-docs of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft as well as other research organizations and universities. The goal of the Winter School Revise & Revitalize is to demystify the unwritten rules...
  • oead_logosolo_rgb

    Call Opening S&T cooperation with Albania and Bulgaria

      The following calls for the programme Scientific & Technological Cooperation (Wissenschaftlich Technische Zusammenarbeit, WTZ) for the project period 2021-23 are open:   Austria - Albania Submission Deadline: 22.1.2021 - Call Guidelines   Austria - Bulgaria Submission Deadline: 1.3.2021 - C...
  • ifk

    IFK_Junior Fellowships

      Die IFK_Junior Fellowships richten sich an österreichische Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler, die an ihrer Dissertation mit kulturwissenschaftlichem Schwerpunkt arbeiten, sowie an nicht-österreichische Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, die an einer österreichischen...
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    BREXIT information

      The United Kingdom (UK) formally left the EU on January 31st, 2020 following a Brexit referendum in 2016. The exit agreement entered into force on February 1st, 2020. Until December 31st, 2020 the UK is in a transitional phase during which EU law and EU regulations will remain applicable. There...
  • erc_banner

    Applying for an ERC grant: perspectives from grantees and evaluators

      The nine one-hour webinars, organised by the European Research Council in collaboration with EURAXESS Worldwide, took place from 16 November to 16 December and targeted researchers from different regions and countries around the world. ERC grantees and evaluators gave advice on how to apply to an...
  • euraxess_covid_media_survey2020

    New study: Covid-19 and researcher mobility in a changing world

      Bright news on the international vaccine research front is cast against continuing uncertainty for international researchers in general. Will they soon be able to get on with plans to study and work abroad? New findings published in a EURAXESS Worldwide study suggests it takes more than a...
  • statistik-_wissenschaft_2020_c_bmbwf

    Booklet „Wissenschaft in Österreich/Science in Austria 2020“

      The booklet „Wissenschaft in Österreich/Science in Austria 2020“ provides a descriptive overview of higher education and research institutions in Austria, with their exceptional achievements in science and research as well as the education and training of pupils and students, appreciating their...
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    Horizon Europe startet

      2021 startet Horizon Europe mit über 95 Mrd. Euro Budget zur Förderung von innovativen Forschungs- und Innovationsvorhaben für Europa. Die FFG informiert Sie im Rahmen der Informationskampagne „Join our Community: Horizon Europe startet!“ ab 12. Jänner und 22. März 2021 gebündelte Information zu...
  • 290661_web_r_b_by_thommy_weiss_pixelio

    UK will keep access to EU research programme

      United Kingdom continues to participate in "Horizon" research funding programme The United Kingdom will continue to have access to the approximately 95 billion EU research programme "Horizon Europe" after Brexit. However, details still need to be negotiated. Science Business, 24.12.2020   Fur...