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NEWS5 Jan 2021News

New study: Covid-19 and researcher mobility in a changing world



Bright news on the international vaccine research front is cast against continuing uncertainty for international researchers in general. Will they soon be able to get on with plans to study and work abroad? New findings published in a EURAXESS Worldwide study suggests it takes more than a pandemic to put them off.

An unequivocable outcome of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a majority of researchers is that they expect “profound changes” in how their work will be organised in the future and what conditions they will need to succeed. The findings also point to the need to explore new formats for making research communication truly interactive and “live”, and to address the specific needs and interests of different researcher categories within EURAXESS Worldwide target groups, both regional and sectoral. The importance of extended interactive dialogue with these groups of researchers is also stressed in the study. This translates into a need for more creative use of media and communications tools, and more targeted followup with universities, research institutions and policy-makers.

Indeed, in an increasingly interconnected world, through its information and services EURAXESS Worldwide offers researchers an unrivalled opportunity to interact on a global scale. As a networking tool it supports researchers working outside Europe who wish to connect or stay connected with Europe. Through networking, information-sharing and ‘happenings’, researchers can help to boost European research and scientific cooperation with the rest of the world.

According to the team, the survey findings will help EURAXESS Worldwide to communicate more effectively with researchers, especially with those ontemplating an international stint. The results will also signal where changes may be needed to strategies and policies aimed at addressing the special conditions facing researchers today, and how the Network can better serve the deepening and widening ambitions of the European Research Area.


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