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Showing results 110 to 120
  • ÖAW Copyright Klaus Pichler

    Neue ÖAW Stipendien für Umweltjournalismus & neuer Dissertationspreis

    Journalistinnen und Journalisten, die in Österreich über Umwelt-, Natur- und Artenschutz schreiben wollen, können sich jetzt für ein mit 5.000 Euro dotiertes Stipendium bewerben. Darüber hinaus schreibt die ÖAW erstmalig den Stefan M. Gergely-Preis für Dissertationen aus, die sich mit...
  • euraxess austria newsletter header

    Nachlese EURAXESS Austria: Erfahrungsaustausch 2023

    Am 9. Mai trafen sich Vertreter/innen österreichischer Hochschulen sowie Forschungs- und Fördereinrichtungen zum jährlichen EURAXESS-Netzwerktreffen – dieses Jahr auch wieder online. Zu Beginn gab Maria Unger (OeAD) einen Überblick über die nationale Struktur von EURAXESS Austria sowie das mit März...
  • research_as_video_c_wtz_ost

    My Research as Video or Podcast

    On the 7th of June the participants of the CommunicationHub: My research as video as well as the PodcastHub got the opportunity to present their projects in Top Kino! The event was organised by the Knowledge Transfer Centre East (WTZ Ost).   Following videos were produced: - "From nature to...
  • msc4ukraine_c_ek

    MSCA4Ukraine Fellowship Scheme

    As part of the EU’s response to the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine, a new dedicated fellowship scheme - MSCA4Ukraine (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for Ukraine) - will provide support to displaced researchers from Ukraine. The fellowships are open to all domains of research and innovation...
  • seal_of_excellence

    MSCA Seal of Excellence

    MSCA Seal of Excellence recipients can now increase their visibility to prospective employers by posting their Seal certificate as part of their profile on EURAXESS Jobs! >> to EURAXESS Jobs
  • Women working in a laboratory

    MSCA Science-Policy Pitch Competition is Open

    On 14 & 15 November, the MSCA Science-Policy pitch takes place in the context of the MSCA Spanish Presidency conference in Toledo, Spain. The aim is to showcase the quality, diversity and passion of the most innovative minds taking part in the MSCA. Fellows and alumni funded through MSCA are invited...
  • Logo MSCA postdoctoral fellowships

    MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023

    The call for the MSCA PF 2023 is now open. The objective of PFs is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowships action targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their...