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  • c_chenspec_pixabay

    EU Award for Gender Equality Champions

    This new Prize scheme intends to advance inclusive gender equality plans and policies in the framework of the new ERA. It will complement and boost the requirement to have Gender Equality Plans (GEP) as an eligibility criterion for higher education and research organisations applying to Horizon...
  • ec

    EU Prize for Women Innovators

    The European Commission launched the fifth edition of the EU Prize for Women Innovators which will be awarded to women entrepreneurs who successfully brought their outstanding innovations to market. The first prize is € 100,000; second and third prizes of € 50,000 and € 30,000, respectively, and a...
  • Logo Epso

    EU sucht Expertinnen und Experten im Bereich Ökonomie

    Sie haben einige Jahre Berufserfahrung? Sie wollen aktiv die Zukunft Europas mitgestalten? Dann bewerben Sie sich für das aktuelle Auswahlverfahren der EU in den Bereichen Mikroökonomie, Makroökonomie, Finanzmarktökonomie und Industrieökonomie und profitieren von einem internationalen Arbeitsumfeld...
  • citizen_scienc


      EU-Citizen.Science is a EU-funded online platform for sharing knowledge, tools, resources, guidelines and other materials aimed at citizens who want to set up or run a citizen science project. The goal is to build on the growing impact of citizens participating in research across the full range...
  • era4ukraine_c_euraxess

    EU-Kommission stockt Budget für MSCA4Ukraine-Initiative auf

    Die Europäische Kommission hat das Budget für die MSCA4Ukraine-Initiative zur Unterstützung von Forscherinnen und Forschern, die aus der Ukraine fliehen mussten, nochmals um 10 Millionen Euro aufgestockt. Im Rahmen dieser Initiative, die Teil der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen (MSCA) ist, werden...
  • globe-_arek_socha_pixabay_1290377_1920

    EURAXESS Africa

      Im Frühjahr 2022 startet eine weitere EURAXESS Worldwide-Destination. EURAXESS Africa vernetzt Forschende in Afrika mit Europa und bietet kostenlose Informationen und Veranstaltungen zu Forschung und Politik in Europa, Karriere- und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, Networking und Kooperationsoptionen...
  • advancing_your_research_career_-_funding_fellowship

    EURAXESS ASEAN kicks off week-long series of career advancement workshops

    This May EURAXESS ASEAN is presenting a whopping 5 events in its annual 'Advancing your research career in Europe - Funding & Fellowship opportunities' platform. Researchers at PhD and Post-Doc level of all disciplines and all nationalities as well as research administrators are invited to find out...
  • euraxess_worldwide_ausnz_c_euraxess

    EURAXESS Australia and New Zealand now online

    A new chapter under EURAXESS worldwide went live early June on the EURAXESS portal. The new EURAXESS Australia/New Zealand is available at :
  • Career Training

    EURAXESS Austria at the Events4scholars Welcome Meet & Greet

    On October 19 and 20 2023, the OeAD welcomed new incoming scholars with a two-day event in Vienna. Many new scholars from all over the world arrived in Austria in the winter term. This time the OeAD organised a special two-day event, with a Welcome Meet and Greet on Thursday evening and a career...