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International Scientific-Educational Center of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia

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International Scientific-Educational Center of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia


International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia (ISEC of NAS RA ) was established in 1997 on the basis of PhD studies operating аt National Academy of Sciences of RA. ISEC’s activity aims at preparing highly qualified scientific-pedagogical specialists through Postgraduate Studies, Postdoctoral Studies as well as seekers for PhD degree on the basis of NAS RA facilities and equipment.

Taking into consideration rich scientific potential of NAS RA (most of the country’s scientific potential is concentrated in NAS RA)  ISEC expanded its activity starting education in master degree programs in 2004.

Education through master degree programs in NAS RA aims at accelerating the passage from education to scientific activity. Preparations of Master students in academic environment will enable them to quickly integrate to scientific public and acquire scientific thinking. Such approach will promote the harmonization of education and science.

Equipment and facilities at ISEC are permanently replenished with computers and other required hardware. Many research institutes of NAS RA with their contemporary equipment support ISEC in the implementation of its education objectives. Students at ISEC use Fundamental Scientific Library of NAS RA known as the best and richest scientific library.

Our Expertise

Career Development
Job opportunities
Recognition of diplomas
Research funding opportunities
Work permit


Baghramian Ave. 24D
Postal Code

Contact Information

Organisation URL
Coverage Area
Within institution only
Contact Email
+(374) 60 623598

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