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Showing results 90 to 100
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Information session: MSCA Global Postdoctoral Fellowships with India

    Are you a European researcher looking to conduct postdoctoral research at a leading Indian university? Or are you an Indian organization interested in hosting talented European researchers? The R&I Section of the EU Delegation to India, together with EURAXESS India, will organise an online...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Information event on the ESPRIT Programme for postdocs

    Since April 2021, ESPRIT offers highly qualified postdocs an improved opportunity for advancing their academic careers. ESPRIT strives to support researchers as best as possible in their career development, to integrate them into Austrian cutting-edge research, and to further promote equal...
      • - (America/New_York)
      • Online, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Info-Veranstaltung zum IFK_Junior Fellowship 2022/2023

    Die IFK_Junior Fellowships richten sich an österreichische Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, die an ihrer Dissertation mit kulturwissenschaftlichem Schwerpunkt arbeiten, sowie an nicht-österreichische Doktorand/innen, die an einer österreichischen Universität betreut werden. Die Bewerber/innen müssen...
      • - (America/New_York)
      • Online, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Info session for the IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program

    Are you an early career researcher interested in applying to the IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program and would like more information? The Austrian National Member Organization for IIASA is hosting a webinar on the institute’s flagship doctoral fellowship program featuring previous participants. F...
      • - (UTC)
      • Online über Zoom, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    INDustrial TECHnologies 2018

    The organisation team of the European conference “INDustrial TECHnologies 2018 - Innovative industries for smart growth” (INDTECH2018) welcomes you to Vienna from 29-31 October, 2018. INDTECH2018, an event of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will combine keynote...
      • - (UTC)
      • Vienna, Austria
    • Training
    • STATUS: past

    Im Fokus: Karriere "Anleitung zum Stressmanagement"

    Der Alltag von Forscherinnen und Unternehmerinnen ist durch große und kleine Herausforderungen im Beruf und Privatleben geprägt. Oft führen Stress und/oder Frust zu Energieverlust, Demotivation und Anhäufung von Fehlern.   In dieser Veranstaltung lernen Sie Ihren Berufsalltag entspannt anzunehmen...
      • - (UTC)
      • Madrid, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    IFK_Sommerakademie zum Thema Transformationen kultureller und gesellschaftlicher Mobilität

    Zum ersten Mal in Wien (Magdas Hotel, 1020 Wien), vom 15. bis 21. August 2021, in Kooperation mit der 2014 gegründeten Forschungsplattform „Mobile Kulturen und Gesellschaften“ sowie dem 2019 eingerichteten FWF-doc.funds-Projekt „Cultural Mobility Studies“ (Universität Wien) und mit freundlicher...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
      • Vienna, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    HRS4R webinars

      Three webinars on the promotion of the European Charter and Code for Researchers and the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) will be organised as it follows:   • 2nd webinar: GAP Analysis and Action Plan: How to perform the self-assessment, detect gaps, and address them with...
      • - (UTC)
      • Webinar, Croatia
    • STATUS: past

    HRS4R Info Day - registrations are open!

    The HRS4R INFO-DAY 2022 will take place on Tuesday 18 October 2022.The Info Day will address universities, research institutions and research funders investing in researchers’ talents, skills and career development by implementing the principles of the 'European Charter for Researchers and the Code...
      • (Europe/Brussels)
      • Brussels, Belgium
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    HRS4R Experts Day 2021

      This virtual HRS4R Experts Day addresses the HRS4R experts community, including both newcomers and experienced members. The day will be articulated in two sessions: Morning session - Newcomers training: This session will be entirely dedicated to the training of newcomers. This training will...
      • - (Europe/Brussels)
      • Online, Belgium