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    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting “10 years of life, science and molecules”

    Scientists from more than 40 institutions are already registered. We are happy to inform you that you have still the possibility to save money and present your work at the 10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting “10 years of life, science and molecules” from September 17-20, 2018 in Vienna, Austria. Extended...
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      • Vienna, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    ESOF 2018

    ESOF 2018 to take place in Toulouse, France from 9-14 July ESOF (EuroScience Open Forum) is the largest interdisciplinary science meeting in Europe. It is dedicated to scientific research and innovation and offers a unique framework for interaction and debate for scientists, innovators, policy...
      • - (UTC)
      • Toulouse, France
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    EURAXESS South Korea launch event on 13 July 2018

    EURAXESS South Korea office will be officially launched in Seoul on 13 July 2018, with an event addressing students and researchers of all career levels, interested in Europe.   The event will introduce EURAXESS, its services and support actions and will feature talks and roundtables on Europe...
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    • STATUS: past

    BE OPEN - Science & Society Festival

    On 8 September 2018 the “BE OPEN – Science & Society Festival” will start at Maria-Theresien-Platz in Vienna. Look forward to discovering top Austrian research, participating and having a say. The festival for everyone who is naturally curious. On its 50th anniversary, the Austrian Science Fund...
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      • Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna, Austria
    • STATUS: past

    European Researchers´ Night: Sci4all

    The European Researchers’ Night is a mega event that takes place every year simultaneously in many cities all over Europe and beyond. Whether with your family, friends or on your own, you will find yourself exploring science in engaging ways.   In 2018 the European Researchers' Night in Austria wi...
      • - (UTC)
      • Vienna, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    OeAD und Erasmus+ Hochschultagung

    Der OeAD und die Nationalagentur Erasmus+ Bildung laden von 19. bis 21. November zur Hochschultagung 2018, die am FH Campus Wien stattfindet. Das Thema der heurigen Jahrestagung lautet: Hochschulkooperationen regional, national und international. Anhand von ausgewählten Regionen werden die Vielfalt...
      • - (UTC)
      • Favoritenstraße 226, 1110 Vienna, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    Focus on Open Science Vienna Chapter 2018 at TU Wien

    On November 16 the international event series Focus on Open Science will come to the TU Wien. The Vienna workshop aims to provide a platform for researchers as well as support staff (library, research support, funders) to enter into a discussion about needs, requirements, the state of play and next...
      • - (UTC)
      • Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    INDustrial TECHnologies 2018

    The organisation team of the European conference “INDustrial TECHnologies 2018 - Innovative industries for smart growth” (INDTECH2018) welcomes you to Vienna from 29-31 October, 2018. INDTECH2018, an event of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will combine keynote...
      • - (UTC)
      • Vienna, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    Konferenz "Wissenschaft im Wandel"

    The Alliance for Sustainable Universities invites to a conference at the Austria Center Vienna on November 13th, 2018. Am 13. November 2018 findet im Austria Center Vienna die Konferenz "Wissenschaft im Wandel" der Allianz Nachhaltige Universitäten statt. Die Konferenz wird in Kooperation mit der...
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      • LE HAVRE, Austria
    • Meeting
    • STATUS: past

    Science Talk "Sicher verschlüsselt?"

    Am 29. Okt. 2018 findet in der Aula der Wissenschaften der Science Talk "Sicher verschlüsselt? Quantenkryptographie > Naturgesetz soll Privatsphäre sichern“ statt. Eintritt ist frei! Hier finden Sie die Einladung. Um Anmeldung wird gebeten!  
      • - (UTC)
      • Vienna, Austria