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    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Workshop invitation | Experiences of researchers to improve quality

    As part of the Austrian ERA National Action Plan, a working group of the Austrian Higher Education Conference is preparing on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Science and Research suggestions on how to improve the permeability of research careers in Austria.  With these recommendations, future...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
    • STATUS: past

    Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs ohne Chancen?

    Karriereplanung und Karriereausichten junger WissenschafterInnen NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen haben es heute vielleicht noch schwerer als zu Max Weber’s Zeiten: Ministerien und Universitätsleitungen drängen darauf, so viel Forschungsprojekte wie möglich an Land zu ziehen. Für deren Durchführung...
      • - (UTC)
      • Josefstädter Straße 39, 1080 Vienna, IHS, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar: Research Careers Outside Academia

      On 29 November, Inspireurope hosts a webinar for researchers at risk, to discuss career transitions into the non-profit and private sectors. Inspireurope is an initiative funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and forges a Europe-wide alliance for researchers at risk: in their countries...
      • - (Europe/Dublin)
      • Online, Ireland
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar: Psychosocial support for organisations hosting/employing researchers at risk

    Inspireurope will be hosting a webinar and follow up meeting for representatives from host organisations on the topic of psychosocial support for researchers at risk. The focus of the webinar and follow up meeting will be on how organisations who are hosting or employing researchers at risk can...
      • - (Europe/Dublin)
      • Online, Ireland
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar: Intercultural Competence: Culture Laughs

    The aim of the webinar is for participants to Engage in reflecting on their own experiences of working or living in another culture Explore theintercultural encounters they have been part of Discuss strategies useful in overcoming cultural barriers in daily life and at their workplace. Prepar...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar: Generative AI systems and Learning-Experience Design

    The EURAXESS mentoring team is organising a webinar on Generative AI systems and Learning-Experience Design. Target group: researchers and university instructors The central thesis of the presentation is built upon the premise that the most effective, efficient, and appealing educational outcomes...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar: Gender Equality Plans in Horizon Europe – Recommendations for successful implementation

    EURLO and UNICA Research webinar promoted by Comenius University in Bratislava Previous research and innovation framework programmes have established or flagged “gender” and gender equality in projects, however the actual impact has never achieved its full potential. Certain formality has always...
      • - (Europe/Bratislava)
      • Online, Slovakia
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar zum Marietta Blau-Stipendium

    In diesem Webinar stellt Ihnen der OeAD das Marietta Blau-Stipendium vor und gibt Tipps zur Antragstellung. Das Marietta Blau-Stipendium des Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF) unterstützt die Absolvierung eines Teils (6-12 Monate) eines in Österreich durchgeführten...
      • - (America/New_York)
      • Online, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar Tax Orientation Austria

    ecoplus International, the business agency of Lower Austria, is organising a webinar "Scientists Watch Out – Tax Orientation Austria". Michael Obernberger, partner & tax advisor at ARTUS Consultancy, give you valuable information and concrete advice on the Austrian income tax return...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar for EURAXESS Career Development tools

    Do you want to know more about EURAXESS and how it is helpful for researchers? Then join the Webinar for EURAXESS Career Development tools from EURAXESS Greece. Join Zoom Meeting
      • - (Europe/Vienna)