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NEWS15 Sep 2020News

Survey on the impact of Covid-19 on researchers’ work and mobility


Researcher mobility in a changing world

Invitation to participate in a survey on the impact of Covid-19 on researchers’ work and mobility


Covid-19 changes researchers’ work, interaction and mobility dramatically!

Beyond its huge impact on health, welfare of both societies and economies, Covid-19 is greatly affecting academic research. Pandemic restrictions influence not only the way the researchers work but also create new barriers for interacting with peers, for ensuring continuity in funding of research work, setting-up and pursuing international research collaborations and for disseminating research results, as conferences, meetings and workshops are cancelled. And they influence the possibilities of research institutes and universities to support and carry out research and to host guest researchers.

>> To the survey (closed)

It should take about 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.

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