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NEWS12 Jun 2018News

My Research as Video or Podcast


On the 7th of June the participants of the CommunicationHub: My research as video as well as the PodcastHub got the opportunity to present their projects in Top Kino! The event was organised by the Knowledge Transfer Centre East (WTZ Ost).


Following videos were produced:

- "From nature to bionic proteins through computer simulations", Computational Physics Group (ProduzentInnen: Chiara Cardelli, Nerattini Francesca)

- "Drugging Cancer", Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, INDICAR (ProduzentInnen: Konstantinos Kiakos, Inmaculada Sánchez Romero, Aileen-Diane Bamford, Michael Alexander Jakupec)

- "Von Daten umringt", The Austrian Social Science Data Archive (ProduzentInnen: Lena Raffetseder, Veronika Heider, Barbara Sánchez)

After the presentations the PhD Café of the University of Vienna and EURAXESS - Meeting Point VIENNA invited young scientists for further discussions and networking at the Top Kino Bar.


Some impressions of the lovely evening can be found here.