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NEWS9 Mar 2021News

Iris Fischlmayr Awards and Scholarship



The Johannes Kepler University Linz calls for applications for the "Iris Fischlmayr Awards and Scholarship":

  • an award of 2,500 Euros – for the promotion of an outstanding, completed, diversity-related dissertation in the fields of social and economic sciences, law, and/or medical sciences
  • an award of 1,250 Euros – for the promotion of an outstanding, completed, diversity-related diploma/master’s thesis in the fields of social and economic sciences, law, and/or medical sciences
  • a research scholarship for the promotion of female junior academics in natural sciences and technology at Johannes Kepler University Linz in accordance with Section 95 of the Universities Act (UG) as amended; for a period of 12 months, to complete a dissertation.

Submission deadline: May 31, 2021


Call 2021 | Ausschreibung 2021

Further information (in German only)