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NEWS25 May 2018News

Exceptional Turnout for EURAXESS ASEAN Workshop in Bangkok


The EURAXESS ASEAN event series 'Advancing your research career in Europe - Funding & Fellowship opportunities' took place in Bangkok, Thailand with a fantastic turnout of over 170 reseachers and research administrators. The event was co-organised by EURAXESS ASEAN, Mahidol University and NSTDA.


The organisers received fantastic support from the EU Member States as well as a number of European funding agencies including the French Embassy, Campus France, DAAD, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the British Council, Spain’s CDTI, and OeAD from Austria. The funding experts presented a wide array of European funding and fellowship opportunities available to researchers in Thailand.

Senior representatives from three Thai universities and research institutes as well as the European Commission shared their views on the importance of researcher mobility to the development of a researcher’s career, and highlighted the measures they have in place to support researchers wishing to cooperation with Europe.

Highly talented alumni of a number of European funding programmes discussed the benefits of conducting research in Europe, and provided valuable advice on how to be successful in applying for a European fellowship.

The EURAXESS mobility platform continued on 25 May 2018 with a workshop on effective proposal preparation for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF) conducted by European consultant Katia Insogna.

EURAXESS ASEAN is very grateful to Aj Ruengpung, Vice President Research, Mahdol University as well Dr. Narisorn Kitiyanant and his colleagues at the Research Management and Development Division, Mahidol University for the exceptional support they provided for this event. And thanks as well to Ms Phawika Rueannoi from International Collaborartion NSTDA for the excellent organisational work. 


Pictures of the event have been uploaded on Facebook.