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NEWS1 Oct 2021News

Dr. Franz Josef Mayer-Gunthof Foundation scholarships


Dr. Franz Josef Mayer-Gunthof Foundation - A Federation of Austrian Industries Scholarship

The Dr. Franz Josef Mayer-Gunthof Foundation awards scholarships to students from Austrian institutions of higher education (universities, universities of applied sciences) and to employed persons. 

The Foundation supports continued advanced training in two different areas, each with different fundamental requirements.

1. It supports the development and improvement foreign language skills for entrepreneurial and industrial goals.


A. European citizen

B. Prizes or scholarships can be awarded to people who are writing or have written their thesis/dissertation/habilitation or other written work in the scale of term papers, project report and comparable writings on an economic topic in the national language of a country from the list below.

C. Prizes or scholarships can also be awarded to people who focus on a country from the list below as demonstrated through their thesis/dissertation/habilitation or other written work in the scale of term papers, project report and comparable writings on an economic topic and for this purpose are learning or have learned its national language (through stays or studies abroad). Good prior knowledge of this foreign language should therefore be demonstrated.

D. In exceptions, an excellent thesis/dissertation/habilitation or other written work in the scale of term papers, project report and comparable writings on an economic topic that is written in a rare EU language can be awarded.

The following countries and their respective languages, provided they are not one’s native language, can be considered in regard to a scholarship:
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia & Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Ukraine, and Hungary.

2. The foundation additionally supports activities and studies in order to obtain greater proficiency at leading international institutions in education, science and research.

Extension of the criteria aims to promote international networking for business-related competency for Austria with the action plan “Menschen schaffen Zukunft” (employee retention in natural sciences and engineering). The Federation’s support is selectively aimed at students in the following fields of study:

a. Engineering
b. Electrical engineering
c. Materials science
d. Metallurgy
e. Process technology

Deadline for applications: 11 October 2021

Further information:

in English
in German