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NEWS20 Oct 2021News

Doctoral training programme LogiCS@TUWien - Logics for Computer Science



The novel interdisciplinary Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND doctoral training programme LogiCS@TUWien - Logics for Computer Science co-funded by the European Commission, will offer 20 full-time PhD positions. The program is hosted by TU Wien, one of the most successful technical universities in Europe and the largest one in Austria. The Faculty of Informatics of TU Wien is a leading research and teaching institution which consistently ranks among the top 100 computer science faculties in the global Times Higher Education ranking. In the heart of Europe, Vienna has a distinguished history in mathematics, computer science, and logic research and offers one of the highest living standards in the world.

The doctoral positions are open to international high-potential early-stage researchers working on Logical Methods in Computer Science and their applications, including:

* Artificial Intelligence

* Databases

* Verification

* Algorithms

* Security

* Cyber-Physical Systems

The programme provides a 4-year long doctoral training for international PhD candidates within an English-language curriculum. LogiCS@TUWien will run for 60 months.

Two calls will accomplish the recruitment of the 20 positions. The first call is now open, with an application deadline of December 30, 2021.

Here you will find the job offer on EURAXESS Jobs & Funding.

For details on how to apply, see or watch the video.