The Austrian Academy of Sciences will award up to 3 Berta Karlik Followships over the next three years in memory of Berta Karlik and recognition of her outstanding scientific performance and success. Berta Karlik as first female member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences paved the way for many renowned female researches to come – as the fellowship awarded in her name shall do in the future for female researchers in the field of STEM research.
The Berta Karlik Fellowships are open to the most distinguished women scientists in STEM from all over the world to foster international exchange and facilitate collaboration with OeAW´s institutes. Berta KarlikFellowships provide the opportunity to explore new ideas for up to 12 months.
The goal of the Berta Karlik Fellowship Programme is
- to support high level brain circulation of outstanding female scientists in STEM on sabbatical leave
- to work on novel research ideas without any teaching or administrative duties
- to promote direct contacts with the research and innovation community in Austria
- to stimulate exchange
- to foster sustainable future collaboration
The Berta Karlik Fellowship grants an expense allowance of 5.000 € p.m. plus travel costs of 2.000 € (one time) and costs for the organisation of an international workshop as well as outreach and networking activities of max. 10.000 €. The guest researcher will not enter into an employment contract with the OeAW.