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NEWS15 Oct 2018News

An Analysis of Dual Career and Integration Services


The goal of this report is to analyse and map the landscape of Dual Career and Integration Services (DCIS) in the participating six countries (Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland) as well as exchange knowledge of best practice examples in order to develop and improve the services based on the needs of each institution. The report was produced in the project EURAXESS TOP III.


The members of the Austria DCIS Expert Group are:

  • Maria Unger, Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD)
  • Armanda Pilinger, Graz University of Technology
  • Hilde Janssens, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria
  • Nicole Rogaunig, Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Ewa Vesely, Vienna University of Technology


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