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NEWS20 Dec 2019News

4 Fellowships 4 Entrepreneurs – Realizing your innovative ideas

Career text with young woman on a blue background

The Career Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft invites pre- and post-docs to apply for the programme 4 Fellowships 4 Entrepreneurs – Realizing your innovative ideas. Four selected researchers or teams will be supported in exploring their entrepreneurial spirit and developing their ideas for commercial use. The program is intended to expand the portfolios of pre- and post-docs, i.e. a current scientific topic that can be pursued further or a new topic that can be developed for an alternative career path as an entrepreneur.

The application deadline is February 14, 2020!


At a glance:

- 4 Fellowships

- 4-8 Entrepreneurs or Entrepreneur teams

- 9-month Curriculum & Mentoring

- 10.000 € Entrepreneur Budget

- Target group: pre- and post-docs of the LBG, other Austrian research organizations and universities from all scientific disciplines

- Goal: further development of an abstract idea into concrete application - am I an entrepreneurial type and does my idea have potential for success?



  • Employment at LBG or any other research organization or university in Austria for a minimum of 6 months.
  • An innovative idea that could be implemented and openess to sounding out your entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Presence at all modules, regular exchange with your mentor and the other Fellows, continuous further development of your idea up to presentations of results.


More information 4_fellowships_4_entrepreneurs_2020_folder.pdf.