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NEWS28 Jun 2021News

2021-22 Mellon/SAR Academic Freedom Workshop & Fellowships



Scholars at Risk (SAR) announces a call for applications for remote research fellowships for early career researchers studying, writing and/or teaching on academic freedom and/or related higher education values, made possible by the generous support and partnership of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The program is intended to provide a research stipend and supportive professional community for researchers to develop and share related work leading to a publishable article; new course offering; workshop, webinar, or conference presentation; or other identified end product.

Benefits: Fellows will receive a stipend of USD $8000 intended to cover research expenses, publication, or other costs, as the fellow may decide. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to gain exposure to SAR’s programming and to network with SAR partner-experts on academic freedom issues.

Deadline for submission: August 15, 2021