A number of alumni organisations and networks for researchers can help you stay in touch with or revive contact to Austrian colleagues before, during and after a research stay abroad.
- ASCINA (Austrian Scientists and Scholars in North America)
ASciNA (Austrian Scientists & Scholars in North America) is the first and only independent network of Austrian scientists and scholars in North America, including the USA, Canada, and Mexico. The main focus of ASciNA is on its currently 17 local Chapters both in North America, as well as several strong ASciNA Alumni Chapters across Europe, which have become a “home away from home” for many of the members.
- Alumni Associations of the Austria universities
MostAustrian universities have their own Alumni Association, a network for graduates of the specific university. As a member, you can enjoy the benefits of many different services.
- Cooperation with research diaspora
Research diaspora networks play a crucial role in enhancing the research and innovation landscape in their home countries. These networks facilitate the transfer of knowledge, skills, and resources between expatriates and their countries of origin, contributing to economic growth and development. By leveraging their global experiences, diaspora members can help improve educational curricula, provide professional training, and support local businesses in navigating international markets.
- EURAXESS Worldwide
EURAXESS Worldwide is a diverse networking platform and reliable source of information and ideas to help talented European and international researchers explore and develop careers and contacts in Europe and abroad. Dedicated teams are ready to help researchers in the following countries and regions: Africa, ASEAN (focusing on Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam), Australia and New Zealand, Latin America and the Caribbean (focusing on Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia), China, India, Japan, Korea, and North America (USA and Canada).
- OeAD.map
The oead.map is a virtual map that shows OeAD projects and alumni all over the world. With just a few clicks, educational institutions and international organisations can search for OeAD-funded projects in their region. It also enables (former) OeAD scholarship holders to present themselves and network in an international context.
- Young Scientist Association (YSA)
The Young Scientist Association has set itself the goal of improving and strengthening the networks that exist for young scientists at MedUni Vienna. The organisation of scientific symposia and lectures is just as important for the platform as establishing a good exchange between alumni and the MedUni Vienna Board.
The ASciNA Mentoring Program (AMP) is generously supported by the Alumni Club of the Medical University of Vienna, the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), the Medical University of Innsbruck, the University of Vienna, and the Medical University of Graz.
This program seeks to develop a mentoring framework, where established Austrian scientists/scholars and professionals from academia and industry provide guidance, experience and knowledge to early career researchers from Austria.
REBECA, part of the EURAXESS initiative, is a mentoring program designed to support early career researchers in exploring career opportunities beyond academia. The program aims to connect these researchers with experienced professionals from various sectors, facilitating valuable networking and skill development.
The Program is aimed at early career researchers, including PhD candidates and those who have completed their PhD within the last eight years. Participants are paired with mentors who are typically professionals working in research-related fields but not necessarily in academic positions. This includes research managers and industry professionals.
Mentors share their experiences and insights into non-academic career paths, helping mentees reflect on their career goals and options.
The registration for 2023-2024 is closed.