
ERA Talent project partners invite EURAXESS staff to an online seminar!
Based on the basic webinar on orientation and self assessment of researchers, we would like to explore tools and materials available on the EURAXESS Career Development section, which helps researchers to guide them through their professional path. In this webinar we would like to focus on the EURAXESS Career Development Plan as well as the importance of EURAXESS tools for early career researchers in search of interesting jobs in non-academic sectors.
This webinar is dedicated to share experiences and best practices for supporting researchers’ career and is suitable for both newcomer and experienced staff.
You can find the recording of the webinar on the EURAXESS YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvHFzcShR0o
- Date & Duration
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- Welcome & Introduction
- Euraxess Career Development Plan: Ideas for Implementation in Workshops, Mareike Kerschbaum & Christine Hudetz
Mareike and Christine from the LBG Career Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft share ideas for using the Euraxess Career Development Plan in workshops for researchers.
- Moving from Academia to Industry, Lucia Salto
- Understanding the differences between Academia and industry
- Steps to take before moving from Academia to industry
- Building a professional network outside of Academia
- The job search process: Where to look for industry jobs
- Interviewing for industry positions: What to expect
- Q&A and Discussion
- Name
- EURAXESS Austria