
Wednesday, 13 November from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm CET the first INSPIRING ERA EXCHANGE on ERA Action 4: attractive research careers will take place online.
The virtual session will deep dive into the subject, explore the potential of European tools and policy measures, and give the floor to the action drivers, including the European Commission representatives, action sponsors and other dedicated stakeholders.
This event will be of particular interest – but not exclusively – to member and non-member states’ representatives.
The INSPIRING ERA Exchange will inform and update on the wide range of EU-level policy measures and tools, including the new European framework for research careers and the Charter for Researchers, the HR Excellence in Research award, the ERA Talent Platform, EURAXESS, ResearchComp, RESAVER, and the Research and Innovation Careers Observatory (ReICO).
The agenda can be downloaded here.
For more information, visit the INSPIRING ERA website.
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