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Get inspired to produce interesting social media content for a young target group (14- 18 years old)



This is a unique opportunity to get tips and tricks and to better understand how social media platforms can be used to disseminate science and get young people interested in research and research careers.

The speakers will share their thoughts and experience on how to use different social media platforms. They will touch into the differences between the platforms and how to sustain a stable social media presence on Instagram, TikTok and more.


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.... Speakers


.. *Camilla Holm Soelseth*


Camilla Holm Soelseth is a Social Media scholar and Ph.D. Candidate in Library and Information Sciences at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. She is currently in the last stages of her project. Her research project investigates how social media platforms have influenced the production, distribution, and consumption of cultural artifacts, with poetry on Instagram (“instapoetry”) as a case study. In a similar vein, her master thesis concerned the dissemination of knowledge and research on Twitter. In the future, she hopes to continue this line of academic work, but changing the focus to socio-cultural issues on TikTok.


.. *Ella Proudley*


In her talk, Ella will explain her recommendations for producing high quality engaging content for Instagram and Tiktok. She has extensive experience using social media and promoting content, and is currently the social media content manager and creator for the Biomedical Imaging Unit at the University of Southampton. She will discuss her successes since introducing the use of both platforms into the Unit’s outreach program.


.. *Lana Ceraj*


Dr. Lana Ceraj is a science outreach enthusiast and a full-time astrophysicist working at the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, Croatia.

She is working on popularizing science among the Croatian population on Facebook, Instagram, and recently, Tik Tok. By exploiting the fact that astronomy is a "beautiful" science, she creates short posts and videos describing in a simple way complex astrophysical phenomena


.. *Anna Sánta*


Anna Sánta is a biology PhD student at Pazmany University, Hungary. Her research project involves the structural analysis of neuronal proteins. In her freetime, she is passionate about spreading truthful, unbiased scientific information and debunking misconceptions and conspiracy theories related to biological sciences, from everyday cosmetics to pandemics, and hopes to demystify science in the eyes of the public.


.... Organisers


The webinar is organised by the Research Council of Norway, the British Council (UK), The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (Croatia) and Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research (Hungary) as part of the H2020 project EURAXESS Hubs. For more information see (copy the link to your browser's address bar).





Date & Duration
Udine, Norway


The webinar is organised by the Research Council of Norway, the British Council (UK), The Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (Croatia) and Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research (Hungary) as part of the H2020 project EURAXESS Hubs.