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Showing results 330 to 340
  • ÖAW Copyright Klaus Pichler

    Neue ÖAW Stipendien für Umweltjournalismus & neuer Dissertationspreis

    Journalistinnen und Journalisten, die in Österreich über Umwelt-, Natur- und Artenschutz schreiben wollen, können sich jetzt für ein mit 5.000 Euro dotiertes Stipendium bewerben. Darüber hinaus schreibt die ÖAW erstmalig den Stefan M. Gergely-Preis für Dissertationen aus, die sich mit...
  • ifk

    Call IFK Junior Fellowships 2024/25

    Die ifk Junior Fellowships richten sich an österreichische Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen, die an ihrer Dissertation mit kulturwissenschaftlichem Schwerpunkt arbeiten, sowie an nicht-österreichische Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, die an einer österreichischen Universität betreut werden. Die...
  • linkedin

    Follow EURAXESS Austria on LinkedIn

    Follow us on LinkedIn and become part of our online community. To give you an even better insight about what EURAXESS offers for researchers (doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers, etc.) or organisations active in research and innovation, we have created a EURAXESS Austria LinkedIn page. So...
  • EC worldwide seminars

    Safeguarding European R&I, a delicate balancing act

    Building guardrails to deal with foreign interference has become a key talking point following publication of the EU’s Global Approach to Research and Innovation. EURAXESS Worldwide explores the context, latest developments, and tools Europe is using to achieve the fine balance between scientific...
  • Happy holidays

    Happy holidays!

    From the EURAXESS Austria team to the whole community, we wish you a nice break and a great start of 2024! We hope to see you back in 2024!
  • Group photo

    EURAXESS Tunisia Study Visit

    A delegation from EURAXESS Tunisia visited the EURAXESS Austria Bridgehead organisations OeAD and FFG from 22 to 24 January 2024. In addition to an exchange on the activities of EURAXESS Austria, the delegation also visited two EURAXESS Austria Centres in Vienna: the University of Vienna (the team...
  • Lexa Award

    Call: The Leadership Excellence Award in Research – LExA

    In 2024, the Career Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft will again present an award for excellent and innovative leadership competencies in research/science, the Leadership Excellence Award in Research – LExA. This award is an important addition to existing research awards and aims to make...