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Showing results 310 to 320
  • Cover Austrian Research and Technology Report

    Austrian Research and Technology Report 2023

    The Austrian Research and Technology Report 2023 provides an overview of Austria’s federally funded research, technology and innovation (RTI). Besides the presentation of recent trends in research policy, covering the status of implementation of the RTI Strategy 2030 and the research-relevant sub...
  • Bratislava

    PostDoc-Stipendium der Aktion Österreich Slowakei

    Sie sind Wissenschaftler/in einer Universität oder Forschungseinrichtung in Österreich und wollen im internationalen Umfeld neue wissenschaftliche Ansätze, Methoden, Verfahren und/oder Techniken etablieren? Dann nutzen Sie jetzt Ihre Chance und informieren Sie sich über das Forschungsstipendium der...
  • Copyright vegfox stock

    Results of the EURAXESS Hubs project

    The EU-funded EURAXESS Hubs project, where the OeAD was also involved, builds on existing digital infrastructure to help young talent plan major moves with respect to career direction and residence. The project team designed and launched three pilot hubs that integrate digital platforms in order to...
  • University Leiden

    Gastprofessur an der Universität Leiden ausgeschrieben

    Zur Unterstützung der Forschungstätigkeit des Österreich-Zentrums wird an der Universität Leiden in den Niederlanden eine Gastprofessur für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler einer österreichischen Universität mit Expertise in den Bereichen Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte und Musik ausgeschrieben...
  • Feedback Euraxess

    Help us improve EURAXESS

    What would you like to see in EURAXESS? We want to provide you with a platform that meets your needs and helps you reach your goals as a member of the research community. Take part in our quick survey and let us know!
  • ERC Logo

    19 new ERC Starting Grants in Austria

    In the ERC Starting Grants call 2023, 400 projects were selected for funding, of which 19 are in Austria, worth almost 29 million euros in total. The ERC Starting Grant provides attractive funding for excellent research proposals from researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since...
  • researcher_night_2022

    European Researchers' Night 2023

    Am 29. September 2023 treffen sich Wissenschaft und Alltag! Die European Researchers’ Night ist eine Veranstaltung, die einmal jährlich europaweit stattfindet und die Öffentlichkeit dazu einlädt, in den Alltag von Forschungsinstitutionen hineinzuschnuppern. In Österreich gibt es gleich zwei...
  • HRS4R

    Two new HR Logos for Austria

    The European Commission recognises with the 'HR Excellence in Research Award' the institutions which make progress in aligning their human resources policies to the 40 principles of the Charter & Code, based on a customised action plan/HR strategy. In 2023, the mdw - University of Music and...
  • Tunisian Flag

    EURAXESS Tunisia portal launch

    On 8 September 2023 the Tunisian EURAXESS portal was officially launched. This event marked a significant step in the implementation of the Euraxess initiative in Tunisia. By fostering their career development and strengthening the international cooperation in Research and Innovation, the portal...