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  • valie_export_center_linz

    Junior Fellowships for VALIE EXPORT Center Linz

      The VALIE EXPORT Center at the University of Art and Design Linz processes, researches, contextualizes, and mediates VALIE EXPORT’s premortem bequest. As an internationally oriented research center, it promotes an artistic and scientific confrontation with media art and performance art. The VALIE...
  • klartext

    KlarText – Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation

    Bewerben können sich alle Wissenschaftler/innen, die in Biologie, Chemie, Informatik, Geowissenschaften, Mathematik, Neurowissenschaften oder Physik eine Doktorarbeit geschrieben haben. Wer in einem angrenzenden Fachgebiet promoviert wurde, seine Arbeit aber einem der sieben Bereiche zuordnen kann...
  • oeaw_logo

    L'ORÉAL Austria - Fellowship for Young Female Researchers in Austria

    The L’ORÉAL Austria Fellowship Programme offers funding for young female scientists in medicine, natural and life sciences or mathematics to support them at the beginning of their scientific career after their doctorate/PhD. Applications for a L’ORÉAL Austria fellowship are open to female doctoral...
  • bridge-logo

    Launch of BRiDGE Survey – Perspectives of Researchers in Danger in Europe

      The following survey is addressed to refugee researchers: The “BRiDGE Survey – Perspectives of Researchers in Danger in Europe” aims to reach the answers of researchers in danger, such as academics with an asylum status or other risk living in Europe, especially in European Union Member States...
  • banner_lac_violet2_1

    Launch of EURAXESS office Colombia

    On 31 August, the EURAXESS office was officially launched in Colombia. The event took place at the Medical Club of the city of Bogotá and was attended by the Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology, Arturo Luna, the Ambassador of the European Union, Gilles Bertrand, as well as representatives...
  • ec

    Launch of New EU Funding and Tender Portal

      The European Commission (EC) has launched a new corporate Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal. This portal will replace the current Participant Portal and will become the single entry point for all funding and grants managed by the European Commission and other EU bodies.  
  • Era Talent Platform

    Launch of the ERA Talent Platform

    Am Montag, den 10. Juni, hat die Europäische Kommission die neue ERA Talent Platform, die zentrale Anlaufstelle für Forscher/innen und Innovatorinnen und Innovatoren in Europa und darüber hinaus, gelauncht. Die Plattform soll ein One-Stop-Shop Gateway zu verschiedenen Initiativen, darunter unter...
  • era4ukraine_c_euraxess

    Launch of the MSCA4Ukraine scheme

      With a total budget of €25 million, MSCA4Ukraine will provide fellowships for doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers. An experienced consortium supporting researchers at risk will implement the scheme. Scientists who will receive support through this scheme will be able to continue...
  • creative_europe_c-european_commission_1120x650

    Launch of the new Creative Europe programme

      The new Creative Europe programme (2021-2027) brings €2.44 billion to support the cultural and creative sectors and puts stronger emphasis on transnational creation, innovation, mobility for artists and professionals as well as actions targeting sector-specific needs. With its 3 sub-programmes...