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  • Rebeca tool

    Invitation for researchers: Presentation of REBECA Practice tool

    Are you interested in preparing demos as a Field Application Specialist? Would you see yourself reporting adverse cases during a clinical trial? There’s no better way to learn than by trying it out yourself. EURAXESS Spain would like to invite you to the presentation of a new EURAXESS tool designed...
  • interreg_logo


      Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE is a European Union funding programme that inspires and supports cooperation on shared regional challenges. Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027 will soon offer fresh funding for transnational cooperation. It will support the best project ideas and partnerships to work...
  • debra

    Innovative Research Grant Call

    DEBRA International is excited to announce the Innovative Research Grant Call! The funding scheme is a new opportunity for researchers within and outside the field of Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) to explore innovative ideas that could ultimately accelerate EB research. Find out more information here...
  • Women in Technology

    Innovation Talent Platform

    Innovation Talent Platform is a EU-wide matching tool to help European businesses, including start-ups, to find the talents they need beyond EU. This is also an opportunity for entrepreneurs and innovators across the globe to find their way to the European market with their ideas in disruptive...
  • 290661_web_r_b_by_thommy_weiss_pixelio

    Information on the effects of the Brexit

      For any questions related to higher education and research please contact the respective webpage of the Austrian Federal Chancellery as well as the webpage of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. The British Embassy in Vienna offers information on the rights of UK...
  • csm_coronavirus_4_3_14a7f6cd01_c_oead

    Information on the Coronavirus in English

      Here you will find information on the coronavirus in Austria: Austrian Integration Fonds (ÖIF) - Information in 16 languages radioFM4 - A brief guide to what you need to know about the virus in Austria, in English. Information and recommendations of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science...
  • incipit

    INCIPIT PhD programme in Life Sciences - Call for 20 positions is open!

    INCIPIT is a novel international PhD programme, which aims at providing innovative multidisciplinary and intersectoral training in Life and Biomaterial Sciences. It is co-funded by the COFUND scheme (Marie Skłodowska - Curie Actions). This programme pools the different and complementary expertise...