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  • vcq_logo2

    VCQ PhD Program

      The PhD school invites you to become part of an active community of young scientists with opportunities to do experimental and/or theoretical research at the forefront of modern quantum science and technology based on a broad and multidisciplinary research agenda. The topics range from the...
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    University Vaccine Requirement Checker

      Find out which university requires COVID-19 vaccine More universities and colleges worldwide, private and public, are recently obliging students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to be eligible for on-campus activities. If you are among those wishing to study in your home country or...
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    REsearchers BEyond aCAdemia mentoring programme - call for MENTORS

      The CALL FOR MENTORS (highly skilled professionals in positions other than research in academia) has just been opened. Applications will be collected until November 25, 2021. These mentors will be paired with early stage researchers (probably located in another country) to discuss professional...
  • iwm

    Digital Humanism Fellowship at the IWM

      The recently established research field “Digital Humanism” defines an approach that describes, analyzes, and influences the complex interplay of technology and humankind and aims for a better society and life in the digitized era. The program is run by the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in...
  • p1030676-4x3-web

    EURAXESS Meeting Point Vienna family event to the Chocolate Museum

    ​ On October 22, 2021, researchers and their families joined the EURAXESS Meeting Point Vienna family event to the Chocolate Museum of Confiserie Heindl. The guide tour lasted from 3.00 to 4.00 pm. International researcher families met other families who also moved to Austria for work and learned...
  • p1030676-4x3-web

    EURAXESS Meeting Point Vienna family event to the Chocolate Museum

      On October 22, 2021, researchers and their families joined the EURAXESS Meeting Point Vienna family event to the Chocolate Museum of Confiserie Heindl. The guide tour lasted from 3.00 to 4.00 pm. International research families met other families who also moved to Austria for work and learned...
  • tu_wien

    Doctoral training programme LogiCS@TUWien - Logics for Computer Science

      The novel interdisciplinary Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND doctoral training programme LogiCS@TUWien - Logics for Computer Science co-funded by the European Commission, will offer 20 full-time PhD positions. The program is hosted by TU Wien, one of the most successful technical universities in...
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    Dr. Franz Josef Mayer-Gunthof Foundation scholarships

    Dr. Franz Josef Mayer-Gunthof Foundation - A Federation of Austrian Industries Scholarship The Dr. Franz Josef Mayer-Gunthof Foundation awards scholarships to students from Austrian institutions of higher education (universities, universities of applied sciences) and to employed persons.  The...