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  • pan-euhackathon

    #EUvsVirus: Pan-European Hackathon

      The European Commission, led by the European Innovation Council and in close collaboration with the EU member states, will host a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges....
  • euraxess_career_dev_brochure

    EURAXESS Career Development tools and services

      An online brochure promoting EURAXESS Career Development tools and services has been developed within the EURAXESS TOP IV “Open to the World” project. The brochure is for all researchers who are actively engaging themselves in their own personal and professional development and continuously...
  • citizen_scienc


      EU-Citizen.Science is a EU-funded online platform for sharing knowledge, tools, resources, guidelines and other materials aimed at citizens who want to set up or run a citizen science project. The goal is to build on the growing impact of citizens participating in research across the full range...
  • jku

    Iris Fischlmayr-Preise und -Stipendium

    Ausgeschrieben sind je ein Preis zur Förderung einer hervorragenden, abgeschlossenen Dissertation sowie einer Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeit mit Diversitäts-Bezug in den Sozial-, Wirtschafts- oder Rechtswissenschaften und/oder in den medizinischen Wissenschaften sowie ein Dissertationsstipendium zur...
  • ogmbt

    Life Science Awards 2020

      The contest for the “Life Science Awards Austria 2020” has started! As every year, the ÖGMBT is looking for the brightest young researchers in the Life Sciences field across all of Austria.   There are great prizes to compete for (*):   Life Science Research Awards Austria sponsored by the...
  • icon-with-the-free-badge-landing-page-1024x331

    European Science Diplomacy Online Free Course

      Capacity building on science diplomacy among European researchers is key for this goal to happen. The project team of S4D4C (Using Science for/in Diplomacy for Addressing Global Challenges) is happy to announce the launch of the  European Science Diplomacy Online Course. The course aims to...
  • univie

    sowi:docs Fellowship Programme

      sowi:docs is the doctoral fellowship programme of the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences (ViDSS). sowi:docs fellowships give outstanding doctoral candidates in the social sciences the opportunity to devote full-time effort to their research and to writing their doctoral thesis in the...
  • peer_review_andreas_hermsdorf_pixelio

    Call for Project Peer Reviewers - Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

      The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia (SFRS) is looking for international experts for a reviewing process of project proposals submitted for funding programs of the SFRS. The SFRS, a state institution providing grants to researchers in Serbia, is looking for international experts in order...
  • phoenix-logo_transparent

    Phönix 2020 – Österreichischer Gründerpreis

      Teilnahmeberechtigt sind österreichische Start-ups und Spin-offs (Gründung nach dem 1. Jänner 2014, Firmensitz Österreich) sowie österreichische Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen für die Kategorie Prototyp.    Der Gründerpreis Phönix wird in den folgenden vier Kategorien verliehen: Sta...