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Showing results 130 to 140
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Infoveranstaltung zum Erwin-Schrödinger-Auslandsstipendium (in Englisch)

      The Erwin Schrödinger Fellowships are aimed at young and especially highly qualified scientists of any discipline in Austria. The objectives of the programme are (1) the promotion of scientific work at leading foreign research institutions and gaining experience abroad during the postdoc-phase...
      • - (America/New_York)
      • Amsterdam, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Info session for the IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program

    Are you an early career researcher interested in applying to the IIASA Young Scientists Summer Program and would like more information? The Austrian National Member Organization for IIASA is hosting a webinar on the institute’s flagship doctoral fellowship program featuring previous participants. F...
      • - (UTC)
      • Online über Zoom, Austria
    • STATUS: past

    Institute of Science and Technology (IST Austria) - Virtual Student Open Day 2021

      Each year, the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria opens its doors to give prospective PhD and internship candidates an insight into what it is like to study and do research at the institute. The 2021 Open Day event will be held online on November 26, 2021. The Virtual Open Day...
      • - (UTC)
      • Online / Zoom, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    webEXCELLENCE - Karrieremesse der Uni Graz

    Die webEXCELLENCE - Karrieremesse in Digital + Präsenz für Studierende und Absolvent/innen aller Studienrichtungen an der Uni Graz findet heuer am Dienstag, den 16. November statt. Sie interessieren sich für ein Studium im Ausland, eine Anstellung in der Forschung oder brauchen Informationen zu...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
      • Cambridgeshire, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar: Research Careers Outside Academia

      On 29 November, Inspireurope hosts a webinar for researchers at risk, to discuss career transitions into the non-profit and private sectors. Inspireurope is an initiative funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and forges a Europe-wide alliance for researchers at risk: in their countries...
      • - (Europe/Dublin)
      • Online, Ireland
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Webinar: Gender Equality Plans in Horizon Europe – Recommendations for successful implementation

    EURLO and UNICA Research webinar promoted by Comenius University in Bratislava Previous research and innovation framework programmes have established or flagged “gender” and gender equality in projects, however the actual impact has never achieved its full potential. Certain formality has always...
      • - (Europe/Bratislava)
      • Online, Slovakia
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    OeAD-Hochschultagung 2021

      Am 22. und 23. November findet die Hochschultagung 2021 zum Schwerpunktthema "Green Internationalisation. Internationalisierung im Kontext von Klimagerechtigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit. ‘Lessons Learnt‘ aus der Pandemie" statt. Die Tagung steht unter dem Grundthema von post-pandemischen...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
      • Vienna/online, Austria
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    HRS4R Experts Day 2021

      This virtual HRS4R Experts Day addresses the HRS4R experts community, including both newcomers and experienced members. The day will be articulated in two sessions: Morning session - Newcomers training: This session will be entirely dedicated to the training of newcomers. This training will...
      • - (Europe/Brussels)
      • Online, Belgium
    • Webinar
    • STATUS: past

    Marietta Blau-Stipendium / Marietta Blau Grant

    Das Marietta Blau-Stipendium des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF) unterstützt die Absolvierung eines Teils (6-12 Monate) eines in Österreich durchgeführten Doktorats-/ PhD-Studiums im Ausland. Es dient der inhaltlichen Optimierung von Dissertationen durch...
      • - (Europe/Vienna)
      • Vienna/online, Austria
    • Conference
    • STATUS: past

    Conference on International Cooperation for a Global Europe in the Field of Research, Higher Education and Innovation

    The Marseille Conference aims to reinforce the international facet of European higher education, research and innovation. Discussions will focus on the role of higher education, research and innovation in addressing major global challenges, as well as the new guidelines for international...
      • - (Europe/Paris)
      • Marseille, France