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NEWS1 Aug 2023News

Updates on ERA and Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe

the European Commission announced a comprehensive set of measures in the framework of the European Research Area (ERA). Designed to promote attractive and sustainable research careers, these measures will contribute to the priority action expressed in the ERA Policy Agenda 2022 – 2024.

These initiatives aim at bringing substantial benefits to 2 million researchers across Europe by supporting stable and well-paid employment opportunities. Research talent, including early-career researchers, will be encouraged to stay in Europe while addressing issues of their career precariousness . At the same time, efforts will be made to position Europe as an enticing destination for international talent, further bolstering its attractiveness on the global stage.

The set of measures includes:

  • A proposal for a Council Recommendation that establishes a new European framework for research careers;
  • A new Charter for Researchers, replacing the 2005 Charter and Code for Researchers with new and revised principles;
  • The European Competence Framework for Researchers (ResearchComp), to support inter-sectoral mobility of researchers.

More information is available here.