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PRIDE Training Course + Annual Conference 2023


PRIDE Network

The “PRIDE Network - Association for Professionals in Doctoral Education” hosts its “Annual Conference” and “Training Course” 2023 on the topic of Research Culture and Research Integrity at the University of Porto.

Research Integrity is an important topic in doctoral education. A thorough knowledge about how to conduct research according to research standards should be part of any doctoral training experience. But just providing trainings and knowledge on the topic usually is not enough to set up a healthy research practice.


Just before the 5th Annual PRIDE Conference 2023, the PRIDE Network will host a training session in Porto, Portugal. The training on May 2nd and 3rd, 2022 will be held by Joeri Tijdink and Noemie Aubert Bonn from the SOPs4RI project – a 4- year EU project that delivered an easy-to-use toolbox with Standard Operation Procedures for Research Integrity.

The training adresses Research Integrity in the context of the work of professionals in doctoral education – familiarizing them with the topic and offering them concrete tools to deal with everyday challenges.


A researcher working in the creative space of science is, in a sense, constantly bending or breaking the rules, while also operating in an environment of codes and regulations that won’t tolerate mistakes. At the same time, the guidelines and requirements for good research, enacted in all good intention to support and promote researchers, can be understood by them as yet another layer of constraint, of administrative obstacle and intervention. For administrators, this response can appear as walls of resistance or disinterest, and their reaction can be to multiply policies and regulations. In the end, all those involved become wrapped in a cycle of misinterpretation and mistrust.

The Annual Conference will tackle the question: “How can we, as PRIDE, understand what’s going on for researchers in the world of academic research today? How do we support supervisors, doctoral candidates, postdocs walk that tightrope? How can we make the carrot more appetising, instead of lengthening the stick?”


The Programmes as well as more information on all speakers can be found on the PRIDE website!






Date & Duration
Porto, Portugal


PRIDE Network